Saturday, 29 June 2019

Worries about my kids at in-laws house because of swimming pool.

My in-laws have a pool in their backyard which is fenced off from the house but they have a pool house that opens up to the pool so the pool isn’t isolated. The pool house has bifold doors that are all open during summer and a lot of time is spent out there for family bbqs, parties ect. The pool house is used a lot, bbq, extra cutlery and cooking items, and as a laundry and storage.It is winter & we went around there. My mother in-law, sister in-law, her partner, & my husband went into the pool house so my husband could help move a fridge out of the room. The kids went with them. (1yr old and 2 yr old) I sat inside but was watching through the window. Suddenly my 1 yr old walks through the open door, walks to the pool, lays down and starts reaching for the pool cover which was floating around. (Nobody follows and they are all inside the pool house) I run out from the actual house and start yelling and my husband runs out of the pool house and grabs him.Since then I have found out that his cousins child has fallen in and someone had to jump in and grab him, as well as his other cousins child. Both toddlers and couldn’t swim, (they were fine though)My husband won’t support me and says I’m being over the top when I say I want a fence to isolate the pool from the pool house. We have had huge fights over it. He refused to ask his parents, i begged him and ended up doing it myself. Since then no fence has been put up. I asked four weeks ago. We had a family member pass away so I get that it’s a difficult time. But not one word suggesting it will be done at some point. Other than this issue they are great people, and love the kids. Regardless I find it incredibly awkward because i have zero support from my husband who has made it clear to them that it’s ‘my issue’.They invited us over for dinner tonight.. what do I do?Side note: people sometimes walked down there during dinner to get extra plates, my daughter can unlock the sliding door to the back and always asked to go out. She is also very naughty. The house is also really big and it’s really hard to to watch where they are everyone minute because sometimes they play at opposite ends of the house...Do you think I’m being reasonable? via /r/Parenting

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