Sunday, 30 June 2019

Girlfriend’s cousin is too close for comfort to our son

My girlfriend and I have a 3 year old son together and everything is great. She has a male cousin who is our age (mid 20s) who has begun to make us feel uncomfortable when he is around our son. He’s normally a cool guy that we have fun with at party’s and family get-togethers, but with our son it’s gotten unbearably uncomfortable. He does questionable things such as hugging him excessively, holding him closely on his lap, and touching that is one step away from becoming inappropriate. The good thing is that my girlfriend is aware and we’ve both agreed this can’t go on any longer. Now, I’m not a fan of confrontation; let alone telling someone to fuck off because we think he has sick intentions with our son. So I’m wondering, has anyone here dealt with a similar situation? If not, what would be the best way to go about fixing this problem. I’m thinking of telling my girlfriend that we should sit down with him one day and tell him we don’t want him doing this anymore, set boundaries (a hug hello and hug goodbye are perfectly fine but anything more is going to be considered inappropriate.) Obviously if it were one of my cousins it would be 100x easier for me to tell him/her to cut the shit, I think that’s what makes this harder to deal with. Is there any better way to do this? I didn’t think I’d ever have to deal with this but it’s my kid so this has to get solved. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. via /r/Parenting

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