Important things to note: we are a military (Navy) family, so my husband is often gone for long periods (though he's still technically in training, his schedule doesn't afford him time to spend with us except for a day here or there) leaving me the sole parent in the house. I am also 35 weeks pregnant.We have a rule in our house regarding getting food, and it is that our 7 year old daughter has to ask one of us before going and getting food. We have this rule because we meticulously budget and plan how much food we have and how long it will last us (let's face it, food is expensive).Our daughter has... we'll call it trouble following this rule, or at least...fully following it. You see she likes junk food, like every kid does. The problem is she doesn't ask before getting 4 bags of chips and sneaking them to her room (also not allowed) to eat them in the middle of the night/wee hours of the morning while I am asleep. She will ask to make herself a sandwich, or if she wants say chicken nuggets she'll ask me to make them. The issue arises when she wants snack food.Now the big thing is we buy these snack foods predominantly for my husband's lunches to take with him to his 12-16 hour shifts every day. It's hard to take left overs or frozen meals, since he may not always have access to a microwave much less actually have the time to cook it and then sit and eat it. So instead he'll often take sandwiches, chips, fruit, etc.We have repeatedly told our daughter to ask before getting food since we keep track of what we have, including excess, and it just doesn't seem to stick with her. We thought we'd had a breakthrough on Monday this week when she asked for something and it turned out we didn't have anymore cuz she'd already eaten it all. She asked if we could "just go get more" to which I told her no because we didn't have the money and she'd have to wait until Friday. She was disappointed. I asked her if she understood now why she is supposed to ask before getting food to which she told me she did.Tonight I went into her room to check on her before going to bed myself and found 4 empty bags of chips, multiple gummy wrappers, several empty fruit cups, and an entire empty box of graham crackers.Now I have warned her in the past. This is something we talk to her about frequently because she just doesn't seem to listen, she knows the rules. We've warned her that she would lose her computer privileges and be grounded to her room if we caught her again. I've backed off on these punishments in the past and rescinded them within a couple hours as I struggle with not knowing how much is too much due to my own poor upbringing. Tonight I actually disassembled her computer and put it into a closet, where it will remain until she can follow the rules.I think what upsets me the most is that she lied to me about taking the food (on too of partially following the rules to hide that she was taking things without asking and eating it in her room) because I asked. I asked her if she had been taking chips because I noticed we were low and she denied it. Foolishly, I believed her because she'd done so we'll all week at asking before getting anything.I guess we'll see if this works.EDIT: let me clear up some things.The chips and such are NOT for her, they are for my husband to take to work. 2 peanut butter sandwiches and an apple are not enough to get through a 16 hour shift and an hour long PT session. Remember, my husband is military and is not subjected to the same labor laws as civilians.If I simply let her eat whatever she wanted whenever she wanted it the only time she would stop eating is to sleep. We have done this in the past, but we can't afford it now.She and my husband are both picky eaters. There is nothing I can do about it. My husband and I have had that fight numerous times over the course of 7 years and it's not a hill I'm willing to die on.Free for all snack bowls DO NOT WORK. She will eat everything in it in 2-3 days and resume what she was doing before: sneaking food to her room without asking.she's NOT being punished for eating. She's being punished for breaking 2 different rules and lying.There's never been a point where she's asked for food and we've said no; if it's something she can't have then we give alternatives, but she has never been told she is simply not allowed to eat unless she's asking for something right before dinner or bed. via /r/Parenting
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