Monday, 27 May 2019

Toddlers playing too rough and getting overly excited at bath/bed time

Any suggestions for redirects or ways to intervene without yelling/spanking when kids are not listening and getting too hyper at bedtime and bath time?I don’t get to see them very much due to my relationship with my wife so I think there’s a bit of wanting to have fun with daddy mixed in but we have things to complete with bath and bed and I’m out of ideas and options.They usually find something to get excited about and wrestle with each other and do everything to push buttons and touch things they aren’t supposed to and make a mess. Turn on the water faucet, pump the conditioner bottle, pull on the shower curtain etc. You know be kids, but they don’t respond to anything’s hen I say no. I grab one and set them down to try to advance the routine or do a timeout and the other one takes off. Then I go chase them down and the first refuses to sit in time out or they take off and a huge power struggle starts. I can’t seem to get anywhere without resorting to yelling or spanking and I’m ashamed of that. I’ve tried centering them with where’s your ears? Where’s your eyes? And they even ignore that.I need to work on developing my authority and respect as a parent as I know I’ve been lacking in that area as I never really stepped up with the discipline when the kids were little. The kids have also witnessed their mother talk down to me and criticize me openly in front of them so there may be some learned behavior as well. that it’s okay to disrespect daddy but ultimately it’s my failure.I’ve thought about setting out candies that they can have the following morning if they behave and listen and when they don’t they lose one. Or else I’ve thought about taking away toys for the night if they don’t listen and behave. Like thomas comes and sleeps on daddy’s room tonight. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. via /r/Parenting

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