Thursday, 30 May 2019

9yo despises 8yo brother, claims I play favorites

I love both of my children to the ends of the earth. They are absolutely my #1 reason for getting out of bed every morning and trying my best. But they are different as night and day. They always have been. It's amazing to me how obvious their differences in temperament have been since birth. It's created some struggles in parenting them.The 8yo is one of the sweetest kids you would ever meet. He is incredibly empathic and outgoing. He works hard in school and he's always the darling of the adults around him. His high level of empathy has earned him a lot of friends. He's also just generally easy going for his age. He rarely gets upset, and when he does the fallout is short lived and mild.His 9yo brother has his own set of character traits that I am extremely proud of. He's incredibly creative and talented. He has many creative hobbies which he takes very seriously. He's also a pretty deep thinker for his age. The range and depth of the questions he asks and the things he finds interesting blows my mind. I really see signs of incredible intelligence in this kid.But he is one hell of a hand full. He's hyper active and he's constantly testing boundaries. His grades are suffering, but it's certainly not due to a lack of intelligence. He hates school, and I'm often worried that his inability to integrate well into school might crush his natural curiosity. He struggles with making friends, and occasionally complains about teachers and class mates "hating him." He flat out despises authority and he's very vocal about how he feels. His emotions are also extremely intense. If he gets mad about something, he can be angry for hours. I think he feels emotions more intensely than a lot of other children.It goes even deeper though. The 8yo is far more receptive to affection than the 9yo. He makes it much easier to show love to him. For example, when we're having a family movie night the 8yo will climb into my lap and snuggle up. The 9yo by contrast gets extremely annoyed when anyone touches him, so I try to demonstrate my love for him in other ways. Usually by praising the effort he puts into his creative work. However, he'll point to me snuggling up with his brother as evidence that I love his brother more. It's like he wants love, but he pushes it away.This has created a challenging dynamic to deal with as a parent, and it seems to steadily be getting worse as the years go on. I'm almost constantly yelling at the 9yo, trying to get him under control. I almost never have to get on the 8yo for anything.The 9yo is recognizing this more and more, and he's claiming that I like his brother more than him. It seems like it's manifesting into outright disdain for his brother. He's constantly throwing unprovoked insults at him, and occasionally getting physically aggressive.I'm hoping for some ideas on how to improve this situation. I do love my 9yo. If anything, I think he has all the makings of a creative genius. I totally respect and understand his personality. Hell, I actually see a lot of myself in him. He just takes a different style of parenting than his brother. How can I improve the situation before it gets any worse? I wish I could just get him to see the problem from my perspective, but he won't hear it. via /r/Parenting

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