We frequently clash over parenting, and I think this is a terrible influence on my son. For instance, today, I was sitting at a red light with my window open; I had my husband and my 12-year-old in the car. The driver next to me was blaring rap music. I didn't care so much about how loud it was, but then then came the obscenities, which included the "n" word. So, I rolled up the window. Naturally, the people started laughing at me while my husband got all angry about it. He says it's nothing my son won't hear at school while I say that doesn't mean we should condone it. Much of his problem is that he doesn't have a backbone, and when it comes to my son, I DO! It is NOT easy for me, but I feel that by being passive about everything, you set yourself up to let people take advantage of you, and that's not the example I want to set.There are so many instances where my husband just doesn't stand behind me when it comes to how I choose to parent my kid (for other examples, we fought over letting my son dye his hair green or letting him ride those stupid RIDE bikes with the motors in them that you're not supposed to ride until you turn 18; my husband became very agitated when I argued my son's detention; here is a post about the circumstances of that: http://bit.ly/2MbgUNB). He suggests that everything I do is an overreaction, which leaves me questioning myself. Most of what bothers me is that he's supposed to be in my corner, but he NEVER is! I know a lot of it is that we come from such different backgrounds, but I don't know what else to do anymore. He's already told me he doesn't care what a marriage counselor says. What would you do in this situation? DO I sound like I'm overreacting? via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2VOz6Mp
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