Monday, 27 May 2019

Is this an ok place to ask about babies and pooping because I have questions about my baby and pooping.

You guys. I must have read the equivalent of a novel at this point about baby poop and I feel like the medical and mom/dad community could not be in more disagreement about anything.Here’s my situation. My 5 week old little dude poops like — not every day. I would say he poops every 2-3 days on average and sometimes he poops more than once a day but not often. Also, when he does finally poop it’s like EPIC. In general I would say his digestion is slow. He is BOTH formula and breastfed (a community I feel is underrepresented when it comes to poop stories but makes up the majority of actual baby diets). His disposition leans towards fussy but he’s also like 36 days old, he’s still getting used to the world. Anyway. For the past week when he poops it’s not solid but it’s also not like LIQUID. It’s more like a paste. That makes me think he’s constipated. But he’s not dehydrated, he pees a LOT. Peeing is what he does best besides eating. He’s also gaining weight and when he was born he was almost 9 pounds so he’s pretty solid and looks more like a five month old than a five week old.I don’t know what to do. The community is generally of the opinion that you can give a newborn a little prune juice in their bottle and it’ll be fine. Both my MIL and his sitter gave him water so far once each and I told them that’s not a thing anymore and not to do it. But in any case it’s clearly not helping if he is constipated. And his poop doesn’t look like the pictures (yes, pictures, I’ve seen at least 50 so far) of constipated baby poop.I want to bring it up at his doctors appointment in a few weeks for his first vaccines. But is this like emergency level where I should bring him in early? My FIL is a surgeon and he is of the opinion that when it comes to baby poop, mothers are WAY TOO obsessed/worried and bother doctors unnecessarily with it and so far he’s right on the money. According to the internet, there is no standard for baby poop.So, should I go defcon 1 and bring him into the doctor? Or should I wait it out because this is normal? Or should I give him a little prune juice because that has worked for others?Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. via /r/Parenting

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