Friday, 31 May 2019

Worst fear at this moment... M word. Measles. Especially when it's in regard to a baby! I have a 3 year old and a 2 month old myself. This is not my story but that of a friend of mine.

Once again. This is not my story but that of a friends. I am posting on here for awareness.****************************†*************Last night was a freaking nightmare and something I would love to never deal with ever again. At about 10am I noticed a rash on Sutton. I didn't think much of it, we kept on with our day at home playing. By 830pm it was a full blown 3/4 of her body rash and looked like hives. So I (just me) go to Target to get some baby benadryl. The selection is crap, so I talk to the pharmacist and he says to go to urgent care. A very succinct concern was placed. A very upsetting word was used. Measles. With both of the urgent cares in Bonney Lake closing at 9pm, we decide to go to Seattle Childrens Hospital. Unlike most dingalings, we called on the way so we were advised we would be put into CAR QUARANTINE once we got there at 950pm. Once we were cleared to enter the building we went thru a private key pad only entrance to a quarantine room. After an initial vitals check with the masked nurse we had a bit of a wait we were joined by a provider in a fancy quarantine outfit. Another examination. Some paperwork. A contraption that sticks to baby vagina to catch pee for analysis. A bunch more yadda yadda and a few more hours they realized this rash was spreading down her legs (Yay!) so they gave her tylenol, which went down fine. And then gave her benedryl which made her immediately vomit every ounce of milk and water that has entered her body in her entire life. Or so it felt like. After cleaning her up, the floor, changing the bedding, cleaning me up, we got to strip Kevin and give him a hospital gown. Finally got Sutton to sleep after the trauma of puking out of every hole in her face and waited for the pee. 2 hours later, i feel my leg getting warm. And then my butt. Fucking pee contraption didn't work. [Recap: Kevin got drenched in vomit. I am now drenched in pee.] Thankfully the 20ml of urine that the stupid bag caught was enough for collection. Discharge to head to an at home quarantine is edging closer. Another 30 minutes and they sneak us out the same way we came in. 235am we are in the car heading home. 320am we roll up to the house, get the baby in bed with me and kev gets ready to go to work. What a fucking nightmare. They couldn't definitively say it's the meez. They aren't entirely convinced it's not. So we are on at home quarantine. It's nerve wracking. It's heart breaking. It's annoying. It's bullshit. Vaccinate your rugrats. Check that you don't need a damn booster. This shit was fucking eradicated. I shouldn't have to be holding my sleeping baby and hoping that her tests come back faster than 'sometime Friday'. There shouldn't have to be a damn test. I shouldn't be wracking my brain for a list of all the places I've been in the last month praying it doesn't coincide with the list of confirmed entitled shitfucks that felt it was their right to be able to cause this fear. (If you want to fight me on your right to this, bring your kids over. Catch the fear. I fucking dare you. You can wait by my side holding my dazed and exhausted baby while I wait for a phone call from public health.) I'm all for granola living, but I'm also all for ensuring all our babies can play in good health.Today she is exhausted. And splotchy. And miserable. She is still clapping along and trying to be her cheerful self when she's awake.I know many people are going to post their well wishes and support so know now we thank you. We are just working on getting this nuggie back to health, from whatever this is. I'll update when I hear more from Public Health tomorrow. I don't think I've ever prayed for a virus before, but first time for everything. 🤷‍♀️*******************†*********************Once again. Not my story but one that got me right in the feels when I heard it especially since I personally know them! Here is a link to their public post of you'd like to comment or share the story to educate others via /r/Parenting

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