Friday, 31 May 2019

To the woman at the restaurant who shamed me for not filming my daughter fast enough

You suck. You just do. I get it, you think my daughter is precious and she is and was being adorable so excited about the train passing in front. I get that I am not quick on the draw off the camera which might make me an anomaly in social media culture but no, I am not one of those parents that documents every adorable thing she does. She's adorable all the time and I prefer to enjoy my life without a phone always between us so no, it was tucked away in my purse when you barked at me that I should be ashamed of myself for not filming this.I know you were being tongue in cheek, but you still suck. I have a lot of mommy friends who post two dozen pictures and videos a day and more power to them but that's not how we all operate and I'll admit I've missed some prime moments because of my hesitation to pull out my camera which maybe why this stung. Or maybe it was just because it was after a long upsetting day, or maybe it was because it was just random unsolicited judgement.Whatever it was, it sucked and I wish I'd said something at the time because what I did instead kind of pisses me off. I scrambled for my phone and tried to take a video which caused me to miss half of the moment and the video didn't even come out good because I'm not a freaking videographer. So, next time I'll just say no not my thing, because you know what? You suck. via /r/Parenting

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