4 years ago i met my ex. We hit it off right away and i moved in to help him take care of his 2 kids, whose mom had left them for drugs. I soon became pregnant as well. I was not ready for this but he told me if i didn't keep the baby he would leave. (I do not regret this.best decision i ever made hands down!) But the point is he absolutely INSISTED i have this baby because if not i was a murderer of his child and we would all go to hell. at this point i start to question his apparently "christian" standpoint, but all is well otherwise We have our baby and things are OK,fast forward to last year. Baby is now 2. I am feeling absolutely defeated by him at this point because i am working outside the home and coming home and taking care of everything, he is rude, doesnt think about anyone but himself, plays games all day and basically tells me to go fuck myself if i mention that anything is wrong with our relationship. We have obviously drifted. He has become so disrespectful to me and the children. My breaking point happened last march when he said, which i have recorded, that he would be happy if child services took all the kids. And he admitted that he had come close to driving us all off a cliff once or twice. I left a few weeks later with no plan on going back.Since then he has seen her maybe a handful of times. He was paying child support (just a random number we agreed on) up until January but has since stopped. He never called or tried to visit. The last time he saw her was around christmas when he took her for 2 nights, and his father let me know later on that on this trip his son left our daughter at home and went to the bar with out telling his parents (thankfully they were home in the same house as him and heard her when she woke up crying). His father also told me how he had been bringing young girls home from the bar on multiple occasions when our daughter was there with him and left her in the room while he took the girls to another room. Also many of these girla were underage (my ex is 34) After that, his father kicked im out.He has since left the province, and i believe he is in ontario but really have no idea. The last time i spoke to him, was a couple months ago, i asked him if he ever planned on helping support his daughter again and he told me to fuck off and ill see him in court. After a year of dealing with his horrible attitude and realizing he simply doesnt care anymore, i told him if he doesnt want to be her father emotionally or in any way then i do not want his money. I believe i will only hurt myself and our daughter more by trying to fight him for something that he doesnt want. He doesnt want our child so why should i force him to? I understand he should be financially responsible but at this point i would rather him just disappear. To me he is no father to her.Any opinions on how i have been dealing with this? He is such a tyrant, the emotional grief he has been giving us is not even worth it anymore. I am sick of the name calling and belittling. I just want him to go away (which he has, havent heard from him in 2 months now). So do i continue allowing him to just disappear from our lives and focus on our new happy family? Or do i stress myself out by trying to take him to court? Has anyone been through something similar and have a story to share?I am 100% positive there is no way he would ever try to take her. He has 2 kids of his own that are his full responsibility and he hardly wants them either (they are still with his mother) while he has been partying the past year. Sorry its so long.TLDR; father abandoned our 2yo daughter. Do i try to fight him for child support or just let him disappear? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2FwgwCD
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