Friday, 1 February 2019

My 14 year old daughter absolutely hates the woman I'm currently dating. How can I deal with this and promise her that no one would ever replace her mother?

I am a 43 year old single father of two, a 14 year old daughter and a 12 year old son. I lost my wife about 5 years ago to a car accident.About five months ago, I started dating this amazing woman and we want to make things serious for us so I invited her over to meet the kids. I usually go to her place because I wasn't ready to introduce her to my children and I was very worried that they might reject her (which happened). To be fair, my son really likes her and bonded with her well. They played video games together after the dinner and joked around. My daughter on the other hand refused to eat with us and just stayed in her room all night long. I tried to talk to her but she refused to listen.The next day I heard her crying and I approached her. She told me "how could you replace mom?" and I honestly burst in tears. I kept promising her that I would never replace their mother. She then walked away and stayed in her room.I have no idea how to approach this. How can I explain to her that I need to move on, for my own sake. Losing my wife has been the toughest thing in my whole life but I also can't forever dwell on the loss; this'll just eat me alive. I understand that my daughter is frustrated and all. I'm hoping I can get input from other parents who dated after losing their partner and how it went with their children.if this isn't the right place to post, kindly refer me to the appropriate sub, thanks. via /r/Parenting

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