Friday, 1 February 2019

How to ID an anti-vaxxer easily without a fight?

I'm very immune-compromised. I'm 100% pro vaccination and pro science. I live in WA, currently in the midst of an (extremely preventable) measles outbreak. I have a young kid.How do I identify and out the anti-vax parents around me? What's a clever way to ask that will get the honest answer out of them? I don't want to pre-judge people based on appearance, I want to get them to answer me honestly.(For ex: if I make it sound like I'm also anti-vax they might admit they are too, but I shudder to imagine spreading such stupidity or making anyone think I am that stupid for even a moment.) A lot of times if it's asked, anti-vax parents will lie and not admit their children are not vaccinated, or dance around alternative schedule notions.Short of quarantining my family forever, how do we play on the playground and go to school and know who to avoid scheduling play dates with?....Yes, I want to out and ostracize anti-vax parents. They are literally putting my health and life at terrible risk. via /r/Parenting

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