Tldr at bottom. My son is 12 weeks old and before we had him, my husband had never been around an infant. He has a niece but wasnt around her much when she was a baby. I have plenty of baby experience (oldest siblings say heyyy) and once our son was born, boy did those maternal instincts kick in FAST, so I wasnt too worried since we agreed that Id help SO as much as possible with learning his footing till he gets the hang of it.Fast forward to now. Ive gotten extremely mad about this multiple times but its always resulted in a fight since my husband gets very defensive very fast. My husband has a phone addiction. Hes glued to it. I joke (with a hint of all seriousness) that hes married to his phone instead of me.His phone seriously interferes with our son.He tries to watch YouTube videos and feed LO at the same time, not paying attention and LO ends up swallowing a bunch of air (hes on reflux meds + has horrible gas problems, which SO is very aware of and even agreed with the doctor when she said to feed him a certain way) and wastes about an ounce of breastmilk since the bottle nipple was hardly in LO's mouth. He'll play 2k19 with the brightness all the way up, headphones in but volume at full and our son will be trying to sleep on SO's chest while he does this. Multiple times Ive walked in and saw LO's face being smothered because SO wasnt paying attention to LO sliding off his chest. He says I'm overreacting, hes got this, I need to chill.SO doesnt interact with LO when hes awake. His wake time is about 1.5 hours so he spends time on his playmat, talking to the ceiling fan or laying in my lap to have a long conversation (he loves when me and him have long talks, its his favorite). SO just lays on bed on his phone. I lay next to LO on his playmat and interact with him, and you can see how much he loves the attention but SO just doesnt do it. If I leave the room and LO starts getting fussy, SO doesnt pick him up. Ill walk back in to grab the baby and SO is still there on his phone, but will look up at me and say "I was just about to grab him."Im starting to get worried about leaving LO by himself with his dad. He just DOESNT pay attention! Hes fallen asleep while holding LO last week. I was in the living room, maybe 6 steps away. I hear LO getting fussy but SO is with him so I give it a minute before I check on them. LO is still fussy so I peak in and see SO's arm covering our son's face and he was struggling to breathe. I freaked out and snatched him up while yelling at SO to wake up. He wasnt apologetic.How can I get my husband to see his behavior is putting me on edge and it isnt safe for our son? I cant keep worrying about him being around his own son. via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2LKLHN7
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