Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Our six year old routinely won't do what we ask and it's making me resent her

I'm at my wit's end with our just turned six year old daughter, after yet another morning of almost being late to school. She just won't do what we ask of her. She knows the routine, and yet I still have to tell her approximately TWENTY FUCKING TIMES to brush her teeth and go pee. Today, it took her 33 minutes to pee, wash her hands, brush her teeth, and put on clothes. Then, during the breakfast I have to tell her fifty fucking times to eat, she got peanut butter ALL OVER herself, all up her sleeve and down the front of her shirt. And that was it: I lost it, because I'm so tired of this shitty kid who never fucking listens and constantly stalls, and now we're behind YET AGAIN even though we woke up a half hour earlier than usual. During dinner, she gets up from her seat and runs around the house about a thousand times, and no matter how many times we put her back in her seat, no matter how many times we tell her that she needs to sit down while we're eating dinner, she gets up again. After dinner, her dad will take her upstairs so that they can pee, wash hands, brush, floss, and do a shower (every other night). He basically has to threaten her with bodily harm to get her to cooperate. She will stall, dance around, try to hug us, play in the mirror, do everything but the task at hand. Sometimes, we can get her to cooperate if we turn things into a game, but honestly, we don't always have the energy for that. And of course we don't want to yell and threaten her either, but that is often the only thing that works. Her behavior is draining, it eats up a huge amount of time, and it's making me feel resentful of her. This morning, I actually swore at her, said "I don't like you right now," and told her that she was acting like a jerk. Now I feel terribly guilty. I normally adore my sweet little girl. If she sucks, it's my fault. She's only six, and I'm her mother. I don't know what to do. Something needs to change. I could really use some advice. via /r/Parenting

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