Wednesday, 30 January 2019

8 year old is obsessed with boys and I am starting to get worried.

Every since she was 2 my daughter has been obsessed with boys. I wasn't too worried at first. Everyone told me it was normal. My oldest had a preschool boyfriend and has no interest in dating at 16. My older son would point out all the pretty girls he saw as a toddler but he's a normal preteen boy now who hangs out solely with boys. I was told that she would grow out of this and believed it because I saw it happen with my oldest two.It has not happened. If anything it has gotten worse. On the first day of school she talked about the 3 cutest boys in her class. We were watching a football game and she commented that she wants to the cute guy to win because he's cute. We were picking school clothes and she said that she had to look cute for all of the cute boys at school. That was a red flag. We talked about how she shouldn't be dressing for others and should wear what makes her happy. How she shouldn't be seeking attention from boys.In the beginning of the school year my boys (11 and 10) had their friend (10) over to play. My 8 year old was playing with them and they started wrestling. At one point my daughter held neighbor boy down and tried to kiss him. He was very upset by this. My daughter is always talking about how cute he is but we told her not to tell him because it makes him uncomfortable and to never touch him without his consent. We role played and it looked like she understood. Then she does this.We were worried about sexual abuse because I know this is one of the signs. We contacted her pediatrician and he told us to bring her in. He didn't think there were any signs of sexual abuse but we decided to speak with a therapist who deals with sexual abuse just to be sure. She also determined that sexual abuse was highly unlikely.I am not sure what to do. She talks about kissing boys and how she can't wait until she is old enough to date her brothers' friend. We keep trying to stress consent and boundaries and while she appears to understand it, it's like she can't help herself once she gets around boys she thinks are cute. We were getting Valentine's Day cards for her class and she kept talking about how she hopes the cute boy in class gives her the best Valentine and how she'll be sad if he gives another girl a better Valentine.I don't know what to do. I don't want to overreact but my daughter is placing such a high importance on being valued by boys and is not respectful of people's boundaries. Please help. via /r/Parenting

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