Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Recalled Infant Ibuprofen Still on Shelves - FYI

My toddler got hit by a double whammy this week; not only is she suffering through a particularly painful teething episode, but she's also come down with a nasty cold. Her doctor gave us the ok to treat her pain and her fever with Infant Ibuprofen, so I stopped by my local CVS today to replace the stuff I had thrown out early last December.The reason why I tossed the first bottle almost two months ago was because it had been recalled due to safety concerns (more information can be found here). Figuring that two months was enough time to let the dust settle on the recall, I opted for the store / generic stuff, as I had in the past.This time, the poor flummoxed pharmacist wasn't able to ring it up. "The computer is saying that I can't sell this," she said, confused. "I guess that means there is a recall?"That's exactly what it was.So, here is what I can tell you. I don't know if the kiddie Ibuprofen was from the specific lots that were recalled. I only know that A.) CVS made the call that this was a product not eligible for sale due to a safety recall, and B.) at the time of this writing, CVS has yet to remove it from shelves. I also know that at least in my case, there was a fail-safe that prevented the sale. (So hey, that's good.)But the recall also extends to Ibuprofen sold at Walmart and Family Dollar, and I don't know if they have implemented the same flagging functionality that I describe above. I also feel comfortable saying that my experience shows that we can't always trust stores (even large chains) to remove recalled products from shelves, even months after recalls have been issued.I guess that leaves it to us to do our due diligence when it comes to safety issues like this. Obviously none of this amounts to anything panic-inducing, but I think it's important to know that no safety measure is perfect.​Here's to healthy, happy and safe kiddos.​ via /r/Parenting

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