Thursday, 31 January 2019

Extermly worried my youngest is emotionaly disturbed, and I have no idea what to do.

I have two children, and also have a lot of experience with kids in genearl. All through college I did work at a daycare center so I have seen a lot of children, and have been trained in dealing with them to a certain point. It's to the point with my youngest child that my family is on the verge of falling apart. No one in the house is getting any sleep, and all of our moods are pretty much determined by the moods of my youngest child. I can't take it anymore, my husband can't take it anymore, and we have no idea what to do.​My youngest is 3 years old. About 25% of the days are normal days for someone her age that I have expereince with. Another 50% of her days are bad days that I would say for someone her age.... The last 25% are hell on earth. Constant screaming, constant crying... And I know you guys may be thinking constant... what is constant. I litterally had a night last night where no one in my house slept until 2am. That's because when she got home from daycare she litterally would not stop screaming, and crying until she just couldn't anymore. I would ask her what she wanted what we could do what was going on, and all I would get is screaming in return. No one in my family will watch her because they know this is a behavior issue she has. She ended up passing out on my bedroom floor. I didn't want to take her to bed and risk waking her up. Then when she woke up this morning she was just as bad until right before we left for daycare. I have had many many many day's and nights like this.​We have also had to remove her bedroom door. At first she found out how to lock her door, and she would lock it. So we changed the door knob. Then to stop us from getting into her room she would put crap and toys in front of the door so we couldn't open the door.​She is violent on a regular basis. Keep in mind I have never hit any of my kids EVER. I don't know where she is getting this kind of attitude from. It's from a 3 year old so it's not like it's painful or anything, but I have had a daycare already ask to remove her because of her violence, and I think in general just how difficult she is.​My entire family can't take it anymore. I'm afraid my husband may leave. My family won't even watch her pretty much under any circumstance. What's weird is my oldest is the EXACT opposite. He's so understanding. Compassionate. He doesn't always listen (and what kid does), but he's easy to work with and get things done with. But my youngest it unbarable, and I have no fucking clue what to do. via /r/Parenting

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