Monday, 28 January 2019

I had to share this

So, I have been the only one doing everything for my firstborn. It’s been very hard, and I don’t have any family for support and some crazy anxiety about the competence of some people who might be able to help in someway, but, when faced with anything, they’re more inclined to leave and go home than stick around and help with feedings, changing, or anything else.So, I am alone, since the pregnancy to be exact.The father of my son is around, but, again, the competence isn’t there. He’s a very loving father and does his best and that means the world to me, because, he could just cut his losses since we aren’t together anymore. So, that alone fuels my love for this guy (even though I yearn for so much more help.)Anyways, I am sorry for my long windedness... back to what I actually wanted to share this morning: My infant son, sometimes in the morning, instead of screaming bloody murder that he now awake and possibly teething, and me rushing almost blindly, half awake, scrambling to get to him to soothe him, find out what is ailing him, usually, now that he is almost 9 months old, it’s teething. So, i jump to get him so camilia™️ and to settle him. Otherwise, he’s just thirsty, so I prepare him his first bottle of the day to help soothe him and change him.He has been sleeping through the night for a long time too. We have been blessed as parents with such an amazing infant. So, sometimes I will enjoy listening to him playing and talking gibberish in the mornings, when his teeth aren’t trying to cut through and he’s already had his morning drink.I can literally lay here on my bed, just listening to him. Enjoying every moment of him playing. I just had to share this because, more times than not, it’s teething. I never get to just lay here, so, this has been so nice, I could easily go back to sleep, but, I can’t. I am enjoying listening to him being happy and playful in his crib, I am going to get up soon, and join him. Just listening to his imagination going this morning especially, is just so rewarding right now to me. I must be doing something good.Okay, post done, I am going to join him, and try to figure out what he’s been talking about, or playing. Lol. Another part I can’t wait for... to hear what he is actually saying! Oh I can’t wait to hear him! Lol. With my luck, it will be: “mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, wake up...”Edit: he might sleep through the night, but, for some reason I am not. I wake up regularly, do a walk around, check on him, and then back to bed. No idea why I do this... it started a few weeks before i gave birth. I would just wander around, kind of like I am patrolling the area. It’s all I think about, making sure everything is good, safe, and protected. I check on everything and then back to bed. When my son first started sleeping through the night, i still stayed awake to make sure he kept breathing through the night. It’s crazy, but, I also don’t mind it, other than it giving me crazy sleep deprivation at times. So, now, I am just loving this peace in the morning of him playing. It makes me feel so amazing.Plus, sorry for the spelling and mistakes, I am just waking up, and really had to share this bliss of mine this morning. via /r/Parenting

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