Understanding & helping in SAHM situations. Raising children in 2019 is hard work. Mom can't simply plop the kids down in front of YouTube and make the house magical. She's not lounging on some beach sipping on a Mai-Tai, she's in the trenches. When you get home from work, you start tackling cleaning, dishes, clothes, dinner. It's not fair for one person to work 8 hours and the other 16+. It's also good for sons to see their fathers actively helping mom.Relaxing doesn't win you the good cut-scenes in life. So you've put in a full day of work, you got home and cleaned, cooked dinner & washed dishes after. You sat down with the kids, helped with homework and you're tired AF. Now they want a story. Read it to them. By all means, let them "pleeaaaaaaseeee" a few times, but ultimately, spend the time with them. They will remember it.Talk with your kids every day after school. Ask them what their favorite & least favorite part was. Ask them how everyone treated them & if they had any problems. Literally every single day. It's 2019 and an alarming number of kids are committing suicide because of bullying. It's happened recently in our own school district. By opening up those conversations, you can gauge whether or not you need to become involved and to what degree.Be a relentless protector. They say you can't stop every bully and I say, watch me. Learn your districts anti-bullying / harassment & sexual harassment policy, know who is designated as primary contact as well as who your children's teacher & principal are. If a situation is serious, in addition to meeting with school officials, bring a complaint that you submit in writing. Understand that you have the right to take any matter outside of the school and handle it with your school district police or your local PD. For (public) schools that fail to live up to their own policies you have every right to submit a Title IX complaint in writing (and sent certified mail) to the Department of Education as well as your school board. If you have legal skills and the gravity of the situation calls for it, remember, civil suits move people & schools to act pretty fast.Always know that every action, word and movement you make in front of your children will be absorbed. How you respond to them, how you respond to others, how you treat your wife. It all gets compiled into the adult version of your kids. You have to constantly consider what you're adding to them. via /r/Parenting http://bit.ly/2B8hd3H
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