Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Sharing music with your kids

So my mrs had a bit of a go at me yesterday for playing music I like around the kids (3 years and 8 months).There are my so many times a day I can deal with baby shark and gummy bear. One day my eldest saw a thumbnail for a video (guy with a beard) and thought it was me so I humoured her. She asked to see the video, it was the band Clutch. She loved it. Went nuts and danced, asked for more. I happily obliged.This was some months ago. Since then we've put other music on that I enjoy (nothing inappropriate for kids) and when she doesn't like it I just switch it over.Anyway, mrs says I'm selfish for doing it. Says if the eldest likes baby shark I should have stuck to baby shark.Does anyone else see a problem with what I've done? I honestly don't see the problem, I feel that I'm just having fun with my daughters and bonus for jot having to listen to the gummy bear song again.Edit: explained she's 3 years not 3 months via /r/Parenting

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