Friday, 25 January 2019

Don't let older relatives make you feel guilty - grandma got busted by my mom

I am very lucky to live near my mom and grandma, and spend a lot of time with them. My grandma loves to cook, and loves giving me advice, since I tend to be really self-deprecating about my cooking abilities. The problem is that her advice is usually pretty unrealistic and tends to fall back on, "Well when I had kids you know we only had one car so I couldn't go out to eat all the time" etc. I just take all her advice and shrug it off because I'm pretty happy with our lives, but occasionally I'll feel a little guilty about what we're eating.​After a visit with my grandma, I saw my mom and mentioned that she had been making some comments about how I should be cooking, and her response was brilliant: "WHAT? When we were kids we NEVER ate like that!! What is she talking about? We never had fish, rarely had chicken. We never had any of the fresh vegetables she's telling you to make. And when Hamburger Helper came out we ate that all the time! Plus, MY grandma lived with us and SHE cooked probably half the time if not more. And what is she going on about having only one car....we had two cars by the time I was in elementary school!"​So if you're feeling bad about your parenting because of some older relative, just remember that they probably have some selective memory. It sure made me feel a lot better to hear my grandma get busted, even if it wasn't to her face. :) via /r/Parenting

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