My son is almost 3 weeks old. He cries almost every night from 6-11pm, sometimes longer and is inconsolable. The days aren’t much better. My wife goes to sleep around 6 and picks up watching him at 3am, which means I have this “witching hour(s)” every night. I run through the checklist over and over: feed, change the diaper, hold him, hold in different position, rock, sway, too hot, too cold, change clothes, no clothes... he hates being swaddled. He has to have his limbs loose or he will scream any time of day. Doesn’t like a pacifier unless it’s providing food. He eats 3-4oz every two hours. White noise has been my only tool. The vacuum cleaner is my weapon, though 15 seconds after it shuts off he’s back to screaming. Most of the time I can remain calm. My soothing “it’s okay, I love you” mantra is as much for me as it is for him.I’m kind of losing my mind and my wife is dealing with hormones and complications that won’t allow her to breastfeed which has left her depressed. I’m sort of braving the storm alone. So many forums, books, doctors and friends say it gets better, but I can’t go on for another two months like this. I had a panic attack the other night and threw up until I could calm down. I will have to go back to work and this on top of my job seems impossible. I’m starting to use some gas drops into his formula as all signs (though not diagnosed) point to colic, which has been something I have dreaded long before I thought I would become a dad.I hate to say I hate this, but I hate this. I want my son to grow up in a happy place with support and love and be better than my dad was to me, but this is unbearable. I’m in this unending timewarp, trapped in a house of crying people.I’m sure this is one of those rants where knowing parents will say, “It gets better, I promise”, but are there any tips to cope through this? What can I do for my baby? What can I do for my wife? What can I do for me? via /r/Parenting
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