Monday, 24 September 2018

We had a scare with the baby last night and I'd like to know if anyone has experienced something similar

Our daughter is 4 months old. Last night, we had just gotten home from an hour in the car. She slept for the first 45 minutes and screamed the last 15 minutes. When we took her out of the car, her back was drenched in sweat. We figured it was just from screaming for so long.When we got inside we made her a bottle (formula), changed her diaper, and put her in some pajamas. We fed her 4 oz and she was still hungry so we made her some more. We were in the middle of feeding her another 4 oz, and suddenly she just goes limp and flops her head and arm over. Her eyes were wide open. DH was holding her at the time and he freaked out, tried rousing her by gently shaking her, speaking to her - nothing. He flipped her on her tummy and started patting her back and then she finally started moving and acting normal. We are both shaken up and don't know what happened. She has her 4 month check-up today so I'm definitely going to ask the ped about it, but I wanted to know if anyone else has had any similar experiences. via /r/Parenting

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