Monday, 3 September 2018

Feeling like a shit mum

My daughter was sick last week so she couldn't go to nursery, over the weekend I've moved out into a flat and tonight is my first night with her here. I started a new job after not working for the last 4 months and explained she would go to her grandparents house, she protested that she wanted to go to nursery to see all her friends and I realised Friday would have been her last ever day there. I completely missed her last day. I couldn't even tell her, I just promised we'd go this week which we will to say bye and give some the recognition the place deserves after caring for her for more than 2 years but I'm devastated that she missed the chance to see her friends before they finished, as they all go to different primary schools next week.I feel like I've hardly seen her enough recently and now I'll see her less with going back to work and splitting up with her dad. It's not a good feeling.And to top it off, karma has given me a huge boil on my cheek to start my new job with. I'm having to walk around and office and introduce myself to everyone with this fucking thing on my face. via /r/Parenting

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