I’m really struggling with my soon to be 3 year old. He is very bright and can recall information and speak in complete sentences. I think the fact he seems more mature makes me have higher expectations? I don’t know...Anyway, the past few months have been hard due to insane tantrums. He is literally out of his mind. We have a 1yo daughter too, and our son will physically barrel roll into her, myself, his father... it’s like his mental intactness goes out the window and he’s feral. Loud screeching, hair pulling, hitting...it’s intense. Nothing triggers it either, it happens so randomly. One minute we are fine, next minute he’s slapping, running full pelt away from us and screaming his head off.Yelling, time outs, talking through it, redirection all those techniques don’t work at all when he’s like this. The only way I can snap him out is by wresting him or holding him down hard until breaks down sobbing. He brings out the worst in me because I can’t solve the problem of him continuously putting himself and his sister in harms way. We have to leave situations because we fear he will run into the road or something. My spouse and I really struggle when these tantrums happen and I feel like a failure as a parent. I read that people take away toys and privileges, but while he’s smart, there really isn’t anything for me to take away that will be effective. TV maybe? I feel like he needs constant simulation otherwise he gets board and goes crazy. I don’t know what to do... via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2PAuIOw
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