Wednesday, 1 August 2018

My son isn't circumcised and his pedi keeps tilling us to pull back his foreskin. How do I tell him his advice is wrong?

So my son is 4 months old and isn't circumcised. I love his pediatrician because he spends a lot of time with us answering questions and he always personally calls me back when I call and leave questions for him. My problem is that at every visit we have had, he tells us we need to be pushing his foreskin back lightly at diaper changes so that we can eventually see the head and check for yeast infections.Before choosing not to circumcise, I did a lot of research so I know that forced retraction is painful and leads to scarring. I just don't know how to politely tell him that retracting his skin is wrong. I would like to keep him as a pediatrician but if he isnt able to realize that retracting his foreskin is wrong then I will have to switch pediatricians. Whats the best way to tell him I'm not ok with it and he should change the way he handles uncircumcised boys? Has anyone else effectively gotten through to their pediatrician? Should I just switch doctors and not waste my time? via /r/Parenting

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