Wednesday, 1 August 2018

I’m extremely jealous of mother’s with involved fathers

Hi all,I have a 9 month old daughter who is my absolute world. I would do anything for her, and I have done everything I physically can for her. I put school on hold, put a pause on my art career, and gave up many friendships for her. But I do not regret any of it and would do it all over again for her, just because I love her so much. I work 3 days a week, and all the money I make 100% goes to her and things she needs. I can’t see things being any other way, life just seems so right with her.But her father on the other hand, barely seems to be phased by her existence. Getting him to help me with her or do anything with her is like pulling teeth with him. I can’t imagine why bringing a life into the world isn’t MIND BLOWING to him. He just seems to not love her the way I do, or they way I expect a father to love his daughter.Every time I hear stories on here of proud, involved, loving fathers I get so jealous and mad... I barely even want to finish reading a post when it’s made by a father. Even in person when my friends or co workers tell me about their great husbands and how involved and loving they are, I have to try my hardest not to roll my eyes or show how upset I am.I just wish I could have experienced that with my daughter- having her father attend every pregnancy appointment, having him ask to hold her and play with her, having him excited to see her or be proud to show her off... everything just feels so one sided and I feel so sad for my baby.I guess this is more of a rant than a plea for advice, seeing as I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. If anything, does any one have any tips for controlling the jealousy? Or words of advice from someone who has been through this too? Does it go away, or will I be bitter my entire life... via /r/Parenting

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