Here is my original post. But for the faint of heart, know that my SO & I are trying to co-parent an extremely defiant 5 year old girl with the biological mom.Just wanted to share a quick update. SD has been in kindergarten now for about 2 weeks. She is going to a local public school with a veteran teacher (her teacher has been teaching kindergarten & 1st grade for 30+ years). The teacher has been sending home daily notes about SD’s behavior. Every report in SD’s daily planner is met with a very large frowning face and a note explaining why. Every time it is for not listening or following directions in the classroom, at recess, at the cafeteria, etc. My SO spoke to biomom who agreed to implement various disciplines at her house. That lasted about 4 days until SD came to our house for the weekend and when we implemented the same disiciplines her mom said she was using, SD threw an absolute fit and told us that the rules at her mom’s house aren’t the same. A quick call to BM and we find out that she isn’t sticking to the plan.Long story short, before this issue escalates even further, we have been in contact with a family law attorney who agreed to take on the case to get us in front of a judge. Our goal is to change the custody agreement so as to get more split custody time. via /r/Parenting
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