Wednesday, 1 August 2018

16-Year-Old Throws Tantrums For No Reason

Now, I just wanna clear it up that I have been in this household for around 4 years and thought that he would get used to me by now, but no, my 16-year-old step-son has a thing against me and I don't know why. I'd understand if he disliked me because I yell too much, I make him do useless chores, etc. because those are typical things teenagers get angry at their step-parents or parents or family in general for, but I do not do any of those things. The worst thing I have ever done to him ever was when I ate his french fries by accident, which happened 6 months ago. Yes, he hates me for simply existing and inhaling the same oxygen as him. Whenever I tell him to do things such as, "Can you clean your room, please?" or "Could you take the dog out for a walk, please?" He refuses almost instantly and starts screaming like a 6-year-old who did not get the toy they wanted. "Why do you ask only me to do that?! Why don't you ask your children to do the same?! It always has to be me because you hate me!" (Even though he knows that I ask my kids to do the same.) "You're not my real dad, you cannot make me do things.""Why don't your kids do that? You have a 12-year-old daughter who is perfectly capable of doing that, why does it have to be me?" He sometimes breaks stuff when he gets super angry and my wife dismisses this as a "phase." When I refuse to give him something or let him do something, he tells his mom exaggerated lies and acts like my kids have all the privileges in the country just because they are mine. "Why won't you let me use your credit card?" I calmly explained that the last time I allowed this, he spent almost everything on cigarettes and expensive bottles of wine. "I bet you let your kids use your credit card, but not me because I am not your real kid!" When I say that I do not, he calls me a liar then proceeds to tell his mother that I won't let him use my credit card because "I do not want him to get better clothes than my kids" which is so immature.When I try to give him advice, he instantly makes it sound like I am giving him commands because I am manipulative and too strict with him, then again, lies to his mother. "You should break up with your boyfriend because he is a bad influence, plus, he is 27. That is a huge age gap." He threw a tantrum then told my wife that I was homophobic and that I told him this: "You should break up with your boyfriend because I don't like that you are gay." He tried to make my wife divorce me several times, and even told her that I am racist (Even though my father himself was a black man.)I honestly do not know what to do or how to behave around him anymore. He harasses his half-siblings, attempted to drop his newborn half-brother earlier today and even claimed that I abused and beat him. It would not surprise me that the next thing he claims will be that I raped him or something. Is anyone dealing with the same thing or is perhaps a step-parent / parent that has some advice for dealing with this because honestly, I am desperate. via /r/Parenting

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