Man, this is a stupid one.Kiddo is 3.5. At his school, they eat lunch "family style" (group of kids around the table all eating the food school provides). The food is good, and healthy, but often "saucy".Kiddo doesn't like getting dirty. If he feels food around his mouth, he wants to wipe it off, but for some reason they do not provide napkins or paper towel or anything to the kids. Kiddo's solution? Wipe his mouth on the shoulder of his shirt.We are now kind of used to picking him up and figuring out the lunch based on what is left on his shoulder, but next week he starts wearing a uniform with a white shirt, and I feel like this is going to be a disaster (not to mention costly, since we have to get his shirts from one authorized vendor and they cost about $20 per shirt).I've tried asking school if they can provide the kids with napkins, but apparently they can't. Since I don't provide the lunch, I can't send a napkin in his lunch box.Anything I can do to help here, or am I just resigned to soaking his shirts as soon as he gets home from school every day? via /r/Parenting
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