Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Need advice about son's 17 yr old friend that was kicked out of his home

My son is almost 18, he has a close friend that lives in our apartment complex. They've been friends for 4+ years. My daughter is also friends with the boy's little sister. I've never met the parents, but I know CPS has been over there at least twice, dad don't work, mom spends money on pot and liquor. My nosey neighbors talk very, very poorly of them. They've had bedbugs multiple times, don't buy food or only junk, yet mom has nails and hair done.( Example: I pay the little sister to feed, water, scoop cat litter while we are on vacation 6 days last summer. Got home and neighbors said she had not come by the last 3 days (VERY nosey), cats had food but low water and lots of scooping needed. I paid her when we pulled up bc she was riding her bike. I was going to say something but before I could she tells me that she's so so grateful for the money bc she finally has a bed. A twin camping air mattress she bought herself, she was 10. )Cops were recently over there and arrested the dad and at least took a statement from mom. The 17 yr old young man said his father was being abused of rape or something after the mom agreed to let him have sex with a friend or something weird. He just kept saying he needs to get away and move out but his mom takes all his paychecks for bills, yet she brags about an 11k tax check she's getting. Their Christmas gifts of xbox and TVs for customers are taken last week from rent a center 😢 its just all sad.Well, today my son calls me and said that he sent his friend a link to a movie that he found online that yout can download and watch. It is a newer movie, so it like was getting illegal music or whatever. Friend downloads it on school laptop, gets busted. No payment from school yet, maybe 3 day suspension. Of course, my son feels very guilty.Friend has been begging to do online school (my son does this and it's helped him so much with grades and self confidence) but his mom don't want him home all day. Today, his dad agreed to pull him out of regular school and let him do the online. Mom threw a fit and threw some of her son's clothing out the door, locked it and said he's kicked out. Idk what dad is doing. So my son and his friend, asked if he could stay here with us.I'd do anything for anyone, but I am disabled and have a strict budget, friends offered to pay rent. That's not it, I know I know his parents get state benefits for him and If they kick him out, that should stop. Friend came to me crying today. This 17.5 year old young man, 6'2" is crying and scared. My heart is broken. Of course, I I he could sleep here until emotions calm down.... if nothing changes what do I do? Call CPS? If dad pulls him out of school tomorrow as he told him he would, should I try and help him get into the online program asap, or try and help get GED info? What if he really can't go back home? Do I allow him to stay here until he saves for an apartment? He turns 18 this summer just like my son. Do I try and talk to his parents, and if so how long should I wait to try and let things cool off?Any advice? via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2JfP5hp

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