Wednesday, 25 April 2018

How should I deal with the street kids?

My son has made friends with a bunch of boys around his age in the new street we have moved to which is great, the only problem is it turns out that I am the cool parent of the street now and all the kids want to spend time here at our house playing on the trampoline, video games etc.Apparently to them my son is spoiled and they have a bunch more fun playing here than at their house or out in the street. It's getting to the point where they are here pretty much every afternoon and its getting a little bit annoying, I dont want to be mean by sending them away all the time but what can I do to get them to leave me alone a bit more and go play around the street or at someone else's house or something? I've stopped feeding them and am constantly telling them to turn off the games and play outside but still they are here each day. My son doesn't mind getting out of the house, it's more the other kids who want to come here all the time. via /r/Parenting

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