Sunday, 29 April 2018


I don't know what it is about my kid, but I've pulled two ticks out of his hair yesterday, and just pulled the second one out today. We're averaging one tick per hour of outdoor activity at the moment. Fortunately I've caught them all before they've latched, but at this rate I may miss one.Meanwhile, my personal tick count is zero.I'm going to buzz his head soon, just to make it easier to spot/pull, but this is pretty ridiculous. I've even sprayed all his clothes with Permethrin - shirts, pants, shorts, even socks - but we're still at this tick-average. He even pulled one off on his own the other day.I know a few people with Lyme disease, and it freaks me right the hell out. Lyme isn't the only disease you can get, either. I know I'm more worried than I need to be - he could also get diseases from mosquitoes. Hell, he's got pinworms right now. Still, ticks - I hate ticks, and we're slam-damn in the middle of tick season.It's definitely worth it to closely look through your child's hair, especially before bed, no matter how much/little they were outside. The smaller the kid, the closer they are to where the ticks are, and the less able they are to identify/pull ticks on their own.And it's absolutely a pain, but if you find one latched on, keep it in a baggy/container when you pull it out, and look for signs of infection afterwards. I'm not a doctor, but my understanding is that some infections look like they go away but actually continue undetected for some time.And may God smite every last one of these bastards and liberate the world from their evil little ticky terribleness. via /r/Parenting

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