Saturday, 28 April 2018

The best thing just happened.

November 28 2017, five months ago today, my daughter was born. She is the light in my eyes. She is my sun, my moon, my stars, and everything inbetween. I absolutely adore her, and I could not imagine my life without her. During my pregnancy, I prepared myself for screaming, up all nights, and colic, but I lucked out of all of those. My daughter is such a happy baby, and she sleeps eight to ten hours a night. I'm so lucky I got her.These last few months have been really hard. I'm a single mother, and I struggle to get by on a monthly basis, though it is getting far easier now as it's getting warmer and my electricity bill is not as high.Today in particular was very rough, for reasons I do not wish to elaborate on. I'm sat at home in my apartment, sulking, with my daughter next to me, and I am so close to breaking down.I turn to face my baby, and I sing her the song I sing every night before putting her to bed. She's smiling as I'm singing, as she usually does, and towards the end of the song she starts to make a weird sound.I get a bit worried, as it sounds like she's choking, and just as I'm about to call the doctor (yes I'm overprotective I know), the strange sound turns to laughter.She laughed.She has never laughed before.It was the sweetest sound I have ever heard, and it made me so incredibly happy. I'm tearing up just writing this.My baby laughed for the first time today. I just needed to share that with someone. via /r/Parenting

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