I work for a large company and in our building there are several rooms reserved for nursing mothers to pump. You have to book a room in advance, just like you would a conference room.Today, I booked Room 3 from 11:30-12:30 and because I was running late from a meeting I got there at 11:35. I'm about to badge in when I see the door is locked and I hear talking come from the room. I wait a minute, thinking the woman in there is just packing up. Then I knock. She calls back, "Just a minute." I wait a couple of minutes and then knock again. She comes out of the room, on her phone, and says that she came to the wrong room but has the room next door blocked and I can just take that one. So I ask how long she has it blocked for. Because if she only has it until 12 and it's now 11:40, that isn't enough time for me to fully pump both sides. And I'm not about to set up in Room 4, only to have someone who has the room booked at 12 show up and kick me out. She doesn't really respond to my question, just says okay and goes back in the room. So I wait a minute and knock again. She ignores me. So I knock even louder and she finally leaves at 11:45. But as she leaves, she gives me a look like I'm being unreasonable and inconveniencing her.I get that you're at work and that you have to pump and that mistakes happen. But I'm at work, too, and I have to pump, too. And I booked the room. I'm not about to set up in a room I didn't book to make your life easier, because I'll likely have to deal with someone coming to claim the room they booked before I'm finished. And I'm not going to risk leaks, engorgement, mastitis, or a hungry baby because you're inconsiderate.Note that I didn't have my laptop so I couldn't check whether Room 4 would be available after 12. via /r/Parenting https://ift.tt/2I2GZZh
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