Friday, 27 April 2018

Working parents, what are reasonable expectations from your sth partners?

I feel as though this topic is discussed quite frequently, but I'm having issues communicating with my so how much I'd appreciate more help without him getting offended for feeling unappreciated and would appreciate some advice. Wall of text with tl:dr at bottom.He works 8-4, with one 12-13 hour shift a week. I stay at home with our 7 month old, and recently found out we're expecting another. Since he works I take care of the house, the yard, the dogs, the meals, and lo during the day. Occasionally I'll get him to feed the dogs, put on a load of laundry, or some other small chore which he'll reluctantly do. My issue is when he comes home he, obviously, just wants to relax. I feel bad for getting so irritable by him but he makes such a minimal effort when taking care of lo I'm starting to get resentful. Like if he can't do it sitting in his chair he'll either let lo cry or wait for me to take over. I've tried talking to him about it but all he says is that he never gets a chance to relax and that he works all day and doesn't want to come home to be and not be able to sit down. His go to is that I don't appreciate how hard he works and acts like I sit on my ass all day. I mean I get it, staying home is a luxury we can afford because he works so hard, by at the same time is it normal for him to expect every evening to be free for him to do whatever he pleases? From 8 pm to 8 am is 'nighttime' so I'm on baby duty , from 8-4 is his working hours so no help, and those 3 hours he can help he acts put out whenever I ask him to. I finally got fed up enough to post because after being up most of the night with lo who's both sick and teething I asked him to wake up at 6 instead of 6:30 so I can sleep 20 minutes uninterrupted. He gets pissed, saying he has to work and that if he falls asleep there it actually matters. He did take lo, changed his diaper and plopped him in his highchair and got ready like normal, and now doesn't seem to understand why his actions kind of hurt. And now this has turned into more of a bitch session than what I intended so I'm going to stop. Sorry for any errors I didn't reread anything.TL:dr I'm on baby duty 8pm to 5pm (21 hours daily) and husband is annoyed he doesn't get enough time for himself. Is this normal/unreasonable for me to expect more help? via /r/Parenting

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