Monday, 30 April 2018

Never felt like such a failure as a parent.

I don't think I've had such a low point as a parent before today.We had a phone call last Wednesday from our sons school, the teacher told us that our youngest son (he's 7) had touched a girl in the private parts, I was so shocked to hear this as its something he has never done before. The school said its quite common at this age and after speaking to both my son and the girl in question he was very sorry for what he had done and promised never to do it again. We also had a good chat with him when he came home and he was again so upset and sorry for what he had done, he didn't realise how bad it was and thought it was a game as other girls were doing it too.We thought that was the end of things until we got another phone call on Friday morning from the school to inform us he had done it again (the teachers tone seemed different this time). We told her we would be at school in 5 minutes to have a chat with her and our son. When we got there she pulled us into her office and told us she didn't believe our son had done it this time. The first time she asked our son he admitted to doing it right away, when she asked him this time he was upset and told her he hadn't done it. The girls story also didn't match up. We could tell she was on ours and our sons side by the way she was talking.Heres where the blow came, the teacher told us that the parents of the girl in question phoned up the school very angry on Thursday night and told them she is reporting us to social services because of my sons behavior. The teacher told us we have nothing to worry about as she knows we are good parents and do our best for our children and she will speak to social services and clear this up. We came away feeling pretty low and like we had done wrong by our son but that that would hopefully be the end of it. I've now just received a phone call from social services saying they are now "looking into" the allegations.I know they aren't going to come and take our children away but it doesn't help me feeling like an awful parent, I truly believe our son didn't touch this girl the second time and she has just said it for attention. Our son is also being affected deeply by this as the girl who was involved has been kept off school since Thursday and he thinks its all his fault. We have never had any dealings with social services in the past and really thought things would have stayed that way. via /r/Parenting

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