Monday, 30 April 2018

I yelled at another parent and don't know why it's bothering me so much.

Yesterday I was riding in the passenger seat while my SO was driving. We were stopped at a red light with windows open and I heard a man screaming and cursing loudly, I looked over to see him cursing out the little ones in the car seats in the back. He looked over at me, noticed me staring and smiled at me out of embarrassment. I don't know what took over me, but I just started yelling at him for screaming at his kids like an asshole and for smoking in the car with them inside and called him nasty names. Every time I think back to it, I just feel incredibly uncomfortable inside. As far as I recall I yelled something like "Stop screaming at your children like a maniac, you stupid asshole, that's not how you treat your kids, and you shouldn't be smoking with them in the car!". My fiance and I don't believe in name calling or intimidating our little one and we'd never allow anyone to smoke around him so he thinks I was right, but I can't seem to find peace with what I did. The dude seemed rather shook by my yelling at him and didn't say anything back at me which is probably why I feel so bad. I'm also a child of abusive parents so that might be a reason why I feel so bad about it. Any thoughts? via /r/Parenting

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