Monday, 2 April 2018

Husband won't get a job unless he takes the modem with him.

I'm a mom of 2.5 kids, ages 3 and below (one due in 3 months). When I tell him to get out of the house and get a job, usually out of frustration from having no money, or him getting on my nerves, he says he will. But not before he strips the house of every "distraction" to make sure I'm "as productive as he is." This included the internet. And he has made mention of installing cameras in every inch of the house.We've been married 4 years, and he has worked from home that whole time. So we've always been together. This, ofc, has been great when having babies, it's great for them. He rarely leaves the house, bc he just likes being home. I usually go visit family alone, including camping last summer with just my mom. He can't have fun outside of the internet apparently. We play mmos and watch crunchyroll together, our only shared activities. And they're increasingly diminishing as my attentions are required on children.This threat of taking the internet with him in order to monetarily provide for us...doesn't make me feel good. Makes me feel isolated and trapped. Thoughts? via /r/Parenting

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