My son's dad and I have agreed to 50/50 custody of our son. My son had asked me last month if I could have him Halloween but dad said no, he wanted to take him this year to go ToT. I agreed. I didn't buy my son a costume bc in past years, the parent who takes our son ToT buys the costume. Well I call my son a little bit ago to say Happy Halloween and request pics from tonight only to find out dad isn't taking him because he couldn't afford a costume. I told him if money had been an issue, he could have came to me and I could have helped. He then mentioned not going because his stepson is too old to go and his two year old hates ToT. I asked if he could bring him to me (we only have one car and my s/o is at work) and that I could pull out my son's costume from last year. He said no.I am pretty bummed, my son loves Halloween and I feel like his dad let him down. I understand money can be tight but I could have gotten him a costume, I really suspect they just didn't want to take him out. via /r/Parenting
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Manipulative 11 year old
My 11 year old daughter has been manipulative, I recall the first incident at age 4. She has been lying to teachers, parents, strangers, other kids and adults. One time she the teacher called asking why I refused to help her with homework. She left out the part that she didn't do her homework for hours and asked around bedtime. She recently went to school and told the teacher that she couldn't do any work bc she was 'too sick' and 'threw up' and mom wouldn't let her stay home. At the Y she told a random stranger in the locker room while sobbing that her older sister hits her causing bruises and mom doesn't do anything about it. I told her "your sister doesn't hit you" she's said, "I know," very calmly and walks away. She has been in therapy for a year but I pulled her out because she THRIVES off therapy in a bad way. It's all about her and it's an outlet for her to lie. I fear she might say something that will make me lose my kids. We live in a society where everyone says to believe kids, and we were all floored by her level of manipulation at a young age. via /r/Parenting
4 year old son says hurting people makes him happy.
My 4 year old son has been hitting his sister's lately. We've talked to him and told him it's not okay, and asked him if he would want someone to hit him. He always says no. We've also asked him why he did it and he always says he wants to. Well today his sister was sitting on the floor watching tv and he was sitting on the couch right behind her and kicked her in the back. I sent him to his bed then went in there to talk to him about it. I retold him that it isn't okay to hurt other people and that it needs to stop, asked him why he did it and he gave the same "I wanted to" answer. However after that I asked how it makes him feel when he hurts other people and he responded with "happy". I am at a loss of thought about this... what should I do about this? How should I approach this? via /r/Parenting
My wife doesn't do anything with our kids
Random throwaway account, as the name implies.I've done some searching around on this subreddit, and I feel like I have the "opposite" problem that many seem to have. My wife is a stay at home mom, and we have a 3 year old girl and a 2 year old boy.Normally I see distress about the house not being clean or not having any food at home or not having a dinner to come home to. This is actually not the case for me. My wife is pretty clean, she does the laundry, she cooks dinner, she goes grocery shopping. The only thing is, I get the feeling she does absolutely nothing with the kids. My three year old daughter barely talks, my two year old son doesn't say a word. Whenever I get home, the alarm system is still set to "stay" so it's obvious to me that she doesn't take them outside to play. My three year old isn't potty trained. Whenever she makes them dinner it's always some form of mac n' cheese, or hot dogs. I get the feeling she doesn't even want to deal with toddler pickiness and doesn't even make an attempt at trying to make them new foods to try at least along with their mac n' cheese.I really don't know how to approach her about this. She does a local moms group thing, and she often jokes about how she's a "bad mom" or how she's not doing a good job here. And I never laugh, because deep down I just want to say something like "yeah, you're right."I work 40-50 hours a week, and I'm a reservist, so we're doing ok with myself as the only income earner. But sometimes I really really want to tell her to make all the money, so I can be the one at home making sure our kids are growing and developing.I'm just not sure what to do. via /r/Parenting
Daughter Probably has a concussion
This morning before school, my daughter (5, kindergarten) fell off the monkey bars at school. The school called me with an incident report, but she was feeling well and went to class. Just before lunch, she started throwing up. My husband got off work and went to pick her up (we're down a car today. Of course something would happen.) and he's taking her to the E.R now. I'm not sure what they will do, or how long they will keep her there.To top it off, last year on Halloween, she had a bad fever and had to miss out Trick or Treating. It looks like she'll have to miss it this year, too. Poor kid. via /r/Parenting
I missed another event because I was at work
Missed the kids Halloween Party tonight because I’ve stayed late at work (again). I hope when they look back on memories they don’t just see me as a shadow at the bedroom door.Everything I do is for them, it’s so I can give them every opportunity they need to thrive.I don’t do evenings and weekends at work because I want to, but it’s stress filled late nights and weekends that give them things like the huge garden they run around in, the toy room that’s packed with anything they’ve ever asked for and allows them to spend 24/7 with their Mum, learning from the best, about how to become an amazing person.Sometimes you’ve just got to tell yourself you’re doing the right thing, even if you do feel like an absentee Dad by doing it. via /r/Parenting
PPT (Pro Parenting Tip): turn off “live photo” when taking staged pictures of your children.
The recipient hearing “dammit [child 1] stop moving,” “stop biting your brother,” and so forth takes away from the impression that your beautiful family photo that allegedly took only one attempt may not be as perfect as the final image portrays. via /r/Parenting
I've been so conditioned to fear and resent child services so much, I didn't know they're actually there to help
A little lot of background first: This conditioning came from my mother, who had my younger sister and I taken from her custody when we were 16 and 12. Someone called CPS on my mother after she beat my sister for not bringing her dishes into the kitchen. CPS placed us with my mother's friend, so she was in constant contact with us, threatening and bullying us. She told us that CPS just wanted to take us away so they could get funding from the government, that we would end up in a foster home being raped and abused by our foster father/brother, and would never come home. She never took any responsibility for the part she played in having us taken away, and blamed me for calling the police (I didn't). It was clear when they asked us what happened, she thought we would lie to protect her. Well, putting those other ideas in our heads worked. We reneged our statements, she told the court we were mad that she took our phones away, and they just ignored the bruises and panic attack my 12 year old sister had I guess. My mom also mentioned that her psych eval stated she needed to learn to take responsibility for her actions, which I think is pretty clear when you hear her excuses for this incident, and other abuse we endured growing up by her hands, and at the hands of people she trusted us with. CPS followed up for a few months with a few different counselors, and our case worker coming out every few weeks. My mother ingrained in our heads how they were only doing that so they could find an excuse to take us away (not because we/she needed it or anything), and kept reminding us what types of abuse we would endure in a foster home. She would even print out news articles from all over the country about kids being abused or even killed by their foster parents. I was terrified. At the time, it didn't occur to me that CPS was actually trying to make sure we were safe, and give us any services we might need (dealing with depression, PTSD, bpd, and anxiety at 16, I really could've used a real therapist and psychiatrist). I thought they were just trying to get me to say something that would get my mom in trouble, so when she denied any of us needing services so "we wouldn't have to deal with them anymore", I went along with it.Now here I am, a mother of 2, and I just learned that CPS can really be helpful. And I just wanted to remind people of that, especially young, single moms. You don't have to have a child abuse case open against you to get the help of their social workers. I was just in a car accident with my 1 year old; my family and I are also in the process of moving. I didn't know that after a car seat is in an accident, you have to dispose of it and get a new one, regardless if there's damage or not. Last week I called the local CPS agency, explained the situation, and my social worker ordered us a new car seat yesterday, and it was delivered today.I know a lot of moms who have had them help them get free child care (or very cheap with vouchers), helped them get cribs or other furniture for their kids, they've even gotten crib bumpers that are mesh in the middle, so there's no worry about the baby asphyxiating on it.Tl;dr: Don't be afraid to ask child services for help when you need it. As long as your child(ren) is safe, have food, clothes (which they can help you get), and a home, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. via /r/Parenting
4 year old girl has started waking up scared
Hey Guys,I would really love some advice / help. My 4 year old daughter has always been an amazing sleeper, from 6 weeks she has slept all night without issue (I wish I could say the same for her little brother), but in the last few months she keeps getting up around 2am and is shaking with fear of the dark.I feel terrible as after 4 or 5 times putting her back to bed I am getting angry but it seems that nothing: lights, door open, hall lights etc will work.It is really starting to effect her in Spanish School and Gymnastics which she loves but is clearly shattered.Thank you! via /r/Parenting
Private schools and fundraising campaigns
Our 2 year old attends a preschool that’s part of a private school that goes till 8th grade. We’re open to him continuing at this school for kindergarten and beyond. Either way he’ll continue to stay in a private school in the area till college. My family/culture values education above all else and the school district we live in is seriously struggling. Tuition is a little above 25k each year and my husband and I make about 117k combined. We can afford private school but not comfortably.The problem is that the school has a fundraising campaign about twice a year and I feel like there’s a lot of pressure to donate. We could probably give maybe $50 or a $100 but I’m not sure that would do much anyways. The school is saying that each classroom that has a 100% parent donation would get a $100 towards the classroom fund but shouldn’t that be where our tuition goes anyways? My husband thinks we shouldn’t give them any additional money since we pay so much in tuition but I’m worried that my son would be adversely affected if we don’t give something. There’s a few reviews of this school online saying that their child was left out or bullied for not donating. Admittedly at the preschool level we’ve felt nothing but welcome and have never felt like we were being treated differently for our socioeconomic status. I’m very aware that there’s families with vastly greater resources at our school that have already donated thousands in this years campaign. via /r/Parenting
Need to call CPS (?) Situation is...complicated? (VA/WV)
So this is going to be pretty long but I am hoping someone can steer me in the right direction, and that this situation isn't completely out of my hands.My "cousin" (SO's cousin) is an addict and has been for 8 years. She has 4 children. 1 with her legal husband, 2 more who are with her current SO, and a newborn who is also from current SO.She had the baby 3 weeks early on August 25th. The baby was born addicted to opiates, and spent the first few weeks in the hospital. When they were released, my cousin voluntarily went to detox 4 hours away. While there, her SO left the children alone one night and got in a very serious car accident. Both arms broken, all ribs on 1 side broken, leg broken, now he's having seizures from the injuries. I don't know how they got someone to the house with the kids. She was vague with the details.SO obviously can't take care of the kids, so his parents come and take him and all the children to WV. Details with my cousin are blurry but it sounds like she went to detox, got an rx for subs, started staying at an Oxford house and was kicked out for having a sub prescription, and she ended up staying on the streets 4 hours away from her hometown. Her father intervenes and gets her to our town and that's when we hear from her because she ends up staying with someone who makes women prostitute themselves out of his house to stay. We go get her and let her stay over this weekend.This is when I find out that the newborn hasn't been to the doctor since she was discharged. The baby has medicare(or medicaid...I don't know the difference) (that expires tomorrow) but since she has been in WV hasn't been able to go, because she has to see a doctor in VA. Basically, my cousin could go to WV and apply for Medicare there- But her SO's parents "hate her" so they won't have her around. As much as I don't agree, my cousin has full custody of all her children AND SO isnt on any of the kids birth certificates because she's legally married so she couldn't put his name, so "dad" can't do much in helping get the baby get medical care.I am very concerned. The kids (who were already thin) are losing more weight. The newborn looks straight up sickly (photos) and I'm very worried that the premature drug addicted newborn hasn't been to a doctor at gets more complicated because idk where her SO's parents live. I know what town in wv but that's it. I don't know their names either. Basically all I have are names of cousin, SO, and kids. I don't know how to go about reporting this or who to call.I would've had an address for the location of my cousin, since I got her into a CSP (crisis stabilization program) yesterday, but I was just informed that she checked herself out this morning :/Edit: I 100% plan on calling, but not sure if I have enough info to make a report or who the relevant authorities are. I am not worried about the parents feelings, I'm worried about the kids. via /r/Parenting
Concerned about the bond between my mom and my son.
My son is almost 8. Grandparents take turns providing before and after school care for our son. My mom is a retired teacher and has given him a huge leg up on learning.So, my mom isn't a bad person. She's a very sweet and giving person... but she is also unknowingly manipulative.She's very religious whereas my husband and I aren't and we let her take him to church on Sunday's but I'm a little uncomfortable with how deeply she is getting him into it. She's overcompensating because we don't feel strongly about religion. She wasn't like this when I was a kid. I hope we can give him some critical thinking skills so he can think about all of this objectively as he matures.The issue is that she conveys the idea that she knows better in all things than we do. I honestly don't think she knows she does it, but it causes him to question our authority more than I'd like.He has a very close bond with her... which is great, but I'm the mommy and the last word on things.The only harm I see now is maybe a slight lack of respect that I can hear in his tone. We usually remind him about being disrespectful and it clears up for a little while.I don't know if I need advice or if I just need reassurance that, in the long run, none of this will matter. Her health is not the greatest and when she's gone he can look back on his time with her fondly and that is a good thing. via /r/Parenting
How to help child be more confident.
My son is almost 5, and for the last few weeks has been struggling with being confident in what he wants.He's constantly asking us "is this a good choice?" "What should I choose?" "What's the best choice to pick?" about everything. I will usually turn the question back to him, and he gets agitated "I DON'T KNOW! Can you tell me?" and will continue to be upset.We will also make decisions and he will question them "are you sure that's the best choice?" Or we will say "you need to make choices for yourself!" and again he will get agitated/irritable and almost panicky. I believe he struggles with anxiety (I have generalized anxiety disorder as well) and he is seeing a counselor for other issues but I'm curious if your similarly aged child has struggled with this and how you help. via /r/Parenting
Weekly - Ask parents everything - October 31, 2017
This bi-weekly thread is meant as a place for non-parents and parents to ask questions to the community.Note - Remember that all questions and responses must adhere to our community rules.For daily questions see /r/Askparents via /r/Parenting
Sibling guilt
I have two children, one being 2.5 and the youngest being 11 months old.Just recently I have been having negative thoughts about how much easier it would have been with just the one child and how much we could be doing with our eldest/youngest if they werent bound by each other.Example: When myself or my partner is off work alone with the children the schedules are rock tight with little movement, getting them fed,, clothed, fed again, entertained, napped then fed on loop but due to age differences they have different needs at different times but are both still essentially attention seeking babies (which you would expect).Anyway, what I mean is... Is it normal to feel these levels of guilt? I just want the best for both of my children and regret neither of them but I am aware they are missing out on things due to having each other around. I keep telling myself when they get older and being so close in age it will be worth it! via /r/Parenting
Changing Schools 3rd grade: Private to Public
My child gained a seat off a waitlist for a top public charter school. She currently attends a small private school with a close community of friends. We have to decide today whether to transfer to the charter school.My biggest concern is the loss of friendships and community. It just won't be the same at the new charter school. Her preferred activities are ones only the the private school families would participate in. I sense this is a clear choice between stellar academics and saving tuition versus having a full social life in a small tight knit community.Any advice? via /r/Parenting
Screw you, cold virus and your despicable timing to ruin holidays.
Sorry for the need to vent, but this will be the second Halloween in a row that my four-year-old son is out sick. Started having cold symptoms two days ago and we tried to kill it with love, sleep, soup, and warm honey teas.But last night it launched its full attack and my son spiked a 102 fever and has a nasty cough. Woke up three times last night crying, coughing, and feeling miserable.It's just about the exact same schedule as last year.He's been bouncing off the walls about Halloween. It's by far his favorite holiday and trick or treating at preschool has been all he talks about in the mornings for two weeks now. The moms got together and planned costumes for him and his buddies from class to go as superheroes. He's got a pretty gnarly Spiderman costume that he's worn every afternoon since we got it.I'm dreading him waking up this morning because you know he's not going to understand not being able to go.So far illness has kept us home on:Christmas 2013 (first Christmas)Spring Break Beach Vacation 2014Thanksgiving 2014His Birthday Party 2015Halloween 2016Thanksgiving 2016And now Halloween 2017.I'm putting him in a bubble before Thanksgiving and Christmas this year. via /r/Parenting
Has anyone gotten negative feedback using a baby/toddler carrier?
Almost every time I carry my now toddler in the carrier on my back I always get a negative comment like “can he not walk?” “He’s getting kinda big for that.”, “Shouldn’t you let him walk?” “It’s good to let him walk.” I walk my dog and put him on my back when I go around my apartment complex. The comments started when he was about a year old. He’s 2 now. I don’t use it as every day like I used to but when I do some people act like it’s child abuse. He loves it though. Anyone else experience this? via /r/Parenting
Stalin, Hitler and serial killer Halloween costumes
My 13 yo daughter and her boyfriend (16) are going to a Halloween party this weekend. They've been thinking about their costumes and as it is Halloween they want them to be scary, so basically they thought up some scary people: Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, the zodiak killer, jack the ripper, Ted Bundy and more. Some of these people are easier to dress up to than others.I wonder how controversial and insensitive this is. Is it a terrible idea to dress up as Hitler? Is Stalin as bad? What about Pol Pot and the other leaders who killed their own people? What about the serial killers? Is it insensitive to the victims? Is it ok if the serial killer of choice is long since dead but not if him and his victims relatives are still alive? Is it fine as long as they dress as a generic serial killer and no one in particular?They don't mean to harm anyone but I don't think it has occurred to them people might be offended by the type of scary person costumes they are considering. (To them this is just scary people they heard of online but never came in contact with if you see what I mean.) Please give me your input because I don't know which of these costumes are offensive and I want to know what people think before I talk to them. via /r/Parenting
Daycare suddenly serving unhealthy food - but only to certain age group. What to do?
My 2 and 4 year olds go to daycare. They offer a lunch program or you can send them with a packed lunch. They are both on the lunch program, it's always very healthy lunches and snacks, that's part of the reason I chose the daycare. Each month they send a calendar home that tells you what the lunches will be that month, there has always only been one lunch menu for both kids. However we just received the lunch menu for November and this time there are two separate ones for each child. The 4 year old's is just as healthy as ever, things like quinoa, chickpea falafel, hummus etc. However the 2 year old's is suddenly all unhealthy food like hot dogs, chicken nuggets, English muffin pizza-whatever that is. The snack for everyday is simply listed as "fruit". While the 4 year olds menu still contains a wide variety of healthy snacks.Should I bring this up with the daycare? I don't want to be the difficult parent that is complaining about things but I'm not okay with these foods being served to my two year old on a weekly basis. I can always switch him to pack lunch, I already pack a lunch for my older daughter who is in school so it wouldn't be a huge deal. I liked having them both on the lunch plan however. I'm just confused as to why they would suddenly switch up the menu like this. Advice would be appreciated! via /r/Parenting
Monday, 30 October 2017
Parents of teens and adult children, or people with experience in this... would you ever consider letting your child get a GED?
My older daughter just turned 18. She was doing terribly in regular school (suffering from overwhelming anxiety; we were waiting to get her into treatment when the school year ended last year) and got so much better over the summer that we just decided to let her do online school since it seemed to help her mental health. She works part time so she's not housebound or anything and hasn't had a panic attack or a bad day since starting online classes. BUT... it is a HORRIBLE BATTLE to get her to do her classwork! It's a constant source of contention. I know I can't make her continue school at her age but I keep encouraging her. She wants to get her GED and get a Realtor license and start working full time. Would any of you consider allowing this?? via /r/Parenting
I need a check in. What is verbal abuse?
Is telling a 6 year old that all they care about is themselves a type of verbal abuse? Is using “you always” when describing a behavior, such as constantly begging for toys or treats, too harsh? I worry about my phrasing when I’m mad and feeling like my kid is ungrateful. He is so young but as he ages I find myself losing my shut up valve when he sets me off. I always apologize and try to talk it through afterwards but that doesn’t feel good enough anymore. I feel like crap. via /r/Parenting
Picky kid and I'm worried we're reaching her wrong. Need some advice.
Edit: screwed up the title, it's supposed to be teaching.We have a one and a half year old. She's super picky about what she eats, pretty much refuses to eat most of what we try to feed her. We make sure she gets enough to eat, and that its mostly healthy, so that's not the problem. The problem I'm worried about is that when she doesn't eat what we give her, we wait a while, sometimes 30 minutes to an hour for her to eat it, but eventually, when she doesn't eat it, we give her something she will eat because we need to make sure she eats. She doesn't cry about it, just kinda plays with it, then ignores it till we let her down or give her something she will eat.I'm worried that she's learning she can get what she wants it she doesn't eat it. I know being picky is common, but I'm not sure exactly what to do about it. Am I worrying about it too much? Any other advice?Thanks in advance. via /r/Parenting
My son has been with his girlfriend for over 5 days and I cannot get ahold of him
He's 17 and missed 3 days of school being with her. I'm not sure what to do, her parents clain they are "ok" but he won't answer me.What should I do about this? This is obsessive behavior and it's not healthy. I can't tell him to get his ass home because he's not answering me.Would the cops be good at this point or is that too far?Update: He's at the girl's house, the parents know and are supporting their decisions and since her father is on the school board, he is not going to allow him to get in trouble with the school.So basically he's losing his education and her parents are supporting it. via /r/Parenting
Vasectomy and Mourning
My husband has scheduled is vasectomy. We have 2 kids: my stepdaughter, 13, and my bio daughter, 20 months. It took us 2 miscarriages to get to her. I feel complete as a family, I can’t imagine adding to the busyness of our life. And frankly, my husband and I are both creatives and we don’t want to divvy up our time anymore than it is.But I’m a little sad? That’s normal, right?Also anyone have any rituals or anything they did to mourn/celebrate/whatever? I mean, do I get my husband a present? What’s the etiquette here? What do I do for me to reassure myself this is what I wanted and to move on to the next phase of our life? via /r/Parenting
Should I come to my daughter's rescue or leave it be?
I have a 6 year old daughter, she's a bit overweight even though she hardly eats sweets, never drinks soda or juice (juice is around 6 oz if ever) and she doesn't eat fast food. She doesn't have fat or flabby arms, legs, or a double chin but she has a "buddah belly" that she has always had since a baby and it never went away.I've caught her cousins telling her she's fat or chubby and I've always scolded them. My daughter on the other hand doesn't seem phased at all. I honestly don't think she knows she's being insulted or she just doesn't care. It hurts my feelings though.Should I scold kids that say anything about her weight or leave it be? I feel like I'm doing more harm than good. via /r/Parenting
How your strict parenting is ruining your teenagers...
Look this is abit of a shower thought. But I had a friend over the other night and admittedly we are abit older. But her parents are quite strict, but honestly not even exceptionally so. Anyway we got in a huge falling out. I asked her to leave, it was late.... in this tiny voice she said 'I can't.'So she stayed. Now keep in mind we are both women. She was in no real danger here. But imagine if I wasn't her friend, what if I was a male who wanted something she didn't.But when I think back, to all the fucked up situations I was in as a teenager.. most of the time it wasn't from excessive freedom, or me being naughty. It was simply from how strict my parents were. Now hear me out here, if I told my parents I was sleeping at a girlfriends house and I was at a party that went sour not only was I unable to go home without severe consequences.. most of the time me and my friend were forced to have to stay there because of our parents not allowing parties of any kind. If they had I would have come home around 11 or 12. But because of the strictness I had to lie to have the same teenage experiences as my peers.I was lucky. I have many friends who weren't.When you have these strict rules in place, you do not stop your teenagers from going to parties and doing whatever they were going to be doing originally, when there's a will there's a way. But what you do is you force your sons and daughters to find accomodation that is not your home to have these experiences. You take away their home as a safe place they can go when things are too scary or uncomfortable. You are putting them in dangerous situations by taking away their escape.Do you want to be the parent your drunk teenage girl calls when she's scared or do you want to be the reason she chooses to stay anyway?Just some food for thought. via /r/Parenting
Development screenings at daycare for infants
My almost 7-month-old kid goes to daycare every weekday. About a month ago I got an evaluation from an occupational therapist that she has some problem areas that require occupational therapy. After having a small freak out we sent it to the pediatrician. Ped's feedback was to ignore it, she was meeting all her milestones, and it sounded like patient shopping. Please note that the OT evaluation was conducted by a third party business, and the parents were not informed ahead of time nor asked for consent.Today I got another report, this time a Brigance screening. I only knew about this one already because of another parent. I was handed a piece of paper with the score. No notes, no conversation, not even something to tell me what that score meant. The Brigance screening was done by the daycare's staff, but again without keeping the parents informed. The report puts my kid well behind her milestones, though I strongly disagree with many of the 'failed' tasks marked.I am furious at the daycare. For not getting permission to let a third party evaluate my child. For not letting us know ahead of time about evaluations of any sort. For handing me a piece of paper with zero explanation. For scaring the crap out of parents like this... For apparently no reason! It's unprofessional and unconscionable.How do I start a conversation with them without just being a raging parent? How do I make this a productive conversation? I know the other parent I spoke to is equally angry. Regardless of whether the reports are correct or not, this whole thing is NOT OKAY! via /r/Parenting
Advice on how to handle 17 (f) not coming home, coming home late and dropping classes.
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Divorce finally taking toll on my four year old son. Need some advice.
My ex wife and I got a divorce when our son was two. He handled the separation fairly easily at a younger age but lately he's starting to get more emotional when we swap and lately has flat out cried and has not wanted to come home with me. She's a stay at home mom and I work full time so it makes sense he'd be more comfortable with her during the week based on my work schedule. I've compromised and let him stay with his mother more lately (It's 50/50 custody) just to make sure he's in the place he feels the most comfortable.Yesterday I went to pick him up from her and he had another breakdown. However, this time he said "I want you and mommy to be with me all the time. That would make me the happiest." He said this crying and it was the most heart wrenching thing I've ever had to endure.So my question is: Should I start doing activities with him and my ex wife? Lunch, a movie, anything. Her and I both have significant others and I prefer not to hang out with her, but if that's what my son needs I'll do it. I just don't want him to get confused and get used to the fact we're all three back together again.Just curious if that would make a difference getting that quality time with the three of us until he's old enough to move on to the next phase of his perspective on this situation. via /r/Parenting
We have young teenage sons. I’m seeking book recommendations for them to read.
We have young teenage sons. We are seeking book recommendations for them to read (both fiction and non fiction) that can shape them into young men.Any recommendations? via /r/Parenting
4 year old repetitively Cries "I wanna stop crying"
So frustrated I want to pull my hair out. I have a 4 year old that is stuck in a nasty crying phase. I can't seem to break the habit, its "I want to stop crying" on repeat. Or something like "I wanna ... (Whatever was frustrating)"I've tried, walking away until he is ready to be done, sending him to a safe place to calm down until he feels better, breathing, being calm and talking through it, making it a joke. Nothing seems to be working when he gets in this mode.This morning he cried "I wanna put my shirt on" for 40 minutes because he had a breakdown while getting dressed. I just don't have an extra hour every morning to let him cry it out. His preschool teachers are having difficulties as well and have asked me how to handle it (on two occasions now) but I'm at a loss. Any Suggestions? via /r/Parenting
11(m) year old won't wear pants in the winter.
He refuses. We live in NC so winter's are fairly mild. He wears shorts to school everyday. He wore shorts and a hoodie to school this morning and it was 34°. Last school year the teacher sent several notes about his shorts. She was worried about him being cold. He never complains about being cold. My husband and I have decided that he is old enough to decide what to wear, but we are catching some grief from teachers/friends. The school dress code does not say anything about this. Are we being crappy parents?Our 3 other kids wear pants and heavy coats.He has access to pants and heavy winter clothing. via /r/Parenting
Old man vs. Kindergarten daughter
My kindergarten daughter is developing quite a sense of humor.Her and her younger siblings were in their costumes yesterday.She asked me jokingly if I was dressed up as an old man for Halloween.No, uh, just normally dressed! Haha. I'm 39. Lol. Everyone got a good chuckle out of it. I teary-eyed from it I was so proud. :) via /r/Parenting
No Gift birthday parties?
My son turns three next month and i'm working on party invites. I want to include a line about no gifts or possibly something about if people really want to bring a gift, they can bring something to donate to toys for tots or our local animal shelter. (haven't decided yet) His birthday is about a month before christmas and my daughters' birthday is a month after christmas. We're full to capacity for toys... and clothes... and everything else. I've already spoken to family members about either gifting to the kids' college funds or giving experience gifts for christmas.But- I'm getting some push back about not accepting toys at the birthday party. Arguments have been: I'm denying people the joy of giving or it takes the fun out of birthdays, etc. I feel that the party itself is enough of a gift from my husband and I and my kids really really don't need anything else.Thoughts on asking for no gifts? If you're pro- no gifts, any advice for how to word in on the invitations? via /r/Parenting
Is this the right way to improve a child's behavior?
My cousin sister has a 9 year old son. I talked to her just yesterday. She told me that whenever her son misbehaves or doesn't do anything he is supposed to do, she makes him stay in just his briefs for an hour or more depending on the severity of his infraction. (Thankfully, never fully naked.) Naturally, I was shocked for a moment, but she said that her son's behavior has shown a marked improvement ever since she started this. Please tell me whether this is the right thing to do as even I have a son and I am considering doing this to him instead of just scolding him. via /r/Parenting
Weekly - Stories from the week/end - October 30, 2017
This weekly thread is meant as a place to share stories that happened to us as parents over the weekend. Share good, bad, fun, not fun, etc. Also, if you ever wonder who we are, click here to meet the mod team! via /r/Parenting
Clueless first time parents
Just got my daughter for the first time from the hospital.The moment I lay her down on her crib she started crying so my wife breastfeed her. After feeding she started crying again so we feed her again then after that she cried again, so I checked her diapers and then burped her but she won't stop crying.After feeding her again she stopped and went to sleep for a few hours..All the while me and my wife are panicking because we both have no idea what to do, this is our first day alone with our daughter and we're already stressed out. Our house is a mess, we couldn't cook a meal because we keep watching our baby and I have to go work in a few hours without sleep and leaving my panicking wife alone with the baby.. I had to beg my mother to stay at our house to help my wife.Holy hell... This is waaay harder than I thought it was. I have been searching the internet for tips and help, but I figured I rather have first hand tips from here than articles on google..Also we couldn't figure out why we can't properly swaddle our baby even after watching dozens of YouTube videos, we feel so dumb.Thanks.! via /r/Parenting
What do you think about mandatory outside time
If I were to out my kids into daycare/kindergarten, I would choose an "outdoor" one that is based in the woods where the kids basically are outside all the time (except it pours buckets).However, they're not and instead home with me. The oldest, 5yo, is really energetic. At least insides. He always roleplays dinosaurs and other big and loud beasts, and tends to stomp around and bother his sisters.We are lucky to have a yard - but he doesn't like it. At all. The second he goes outside, he starts being all mopey, sits on the front stairs and looks around. What motivates him most is climbing the fences in hopes of detecting neighbors to bother. (He isn't allowed to do this, of course.)We even have a jungle gym in the backyard, and while he likes climbing, he doesn't do it there.But I have made up a rule, namely "Whoever screams or runs inside, must do so outside because it's forbidden inside." (I'm just on the verge of chronic headache and he incites the sisters all the time.)Of course as soon as I remind him of that, he suddenly gets all quiet and soft and says "I don't wanna go outside." Still, I put him.Also I demand an hour of being outside if they wish to have any kind of screen time.This boils down to pretty much a daily mandatory time outside. I personally know that being outside has a clearing effect on my brain (and on theirs, too), but what if he really does not like it outside? (The "one hour before screentime", he not only spends at the stairs, but it's also not the powering oneself out that I'd like to see.)So many people would kill for having an own yard :( via /r/Parenting
Break up - what's best for my daughter?
My ex left me for someone else recently, my daughter asks for him everyday! (This isn't her Dad)I don't want to confuse her, I said he has moved away but we are still friends. She asks to see him everyday, would I confuse her if I let her see him as friends once a month?What have others done in this situation? via /r/Parenting
Sunday, 29 October 2017
Any other stay at home parents feel guilty when the working parent takes the kid(s) for the day?
I'm a stay at home mother of one. I absolutely love staying at home with my son. This is the first time in the two and half years since my son was born that I legitimately needed a break.Usually I'm not the sort to hang out around the house. I've been sitting inside, watching tv and hanging out on Reddit more in the past few days than I think I have all year combined.Usually our days are jam-packed with all sorts of fun. We go to the park two times a day, and the library twice a week. We do sensory activities every day. (Yesterday we made taste-safe slime, and taste-safe jello-gems.) We paint, and sing, and work on our alphabet together.Recently we had to slow it down, when we all got super sick. (Strep throat) My husband and our son are at the tail end of it. They're both pretty much better. I, on the other hand, had to go into the walk in clinic yesterday because I thought I had a UTI. Turns out it's a really horrible kidney infection.I feel like absolute garbage.My husband offered to take our son for the day and let me sleep. Or rest. Or do anything other than entertain a hyper, almost completely better 2.5 year old.I initially turned him down. We played together as a family. My husband cleaned the living room and I cleaned the kitchen (despite my husband's constant assurance that he could do it).Then I started feeling worse, and my husband became a little more adamant that I go upstairs and rest. Eventually he convinced me.Now I'm sitting upstairs feeling so guilty.I feel like I shouldn't put more on my husband because he works really hard through the week, so I shouldn't ask him to do anything more. My husband doesn't see it this way. He enjoys the time with our son, and he doesn't see it as an inconvenience. He constantly tells me that just because I don't work doesn't mean that I'm not essential to how our family works. That what I do (taking care of our toddler and keeping the house clean, prepping meals, and all that) is super important. He constantly reminds me that there's more to life and family operations than making money. Especially since we aren't in any financial strain.I feel like I'm not contributing today. And I can't get over the guilt long enough to actually rest.Anyone else ever feel this way? Are my concerns valid? Or is my husband right?I just feel like I'm not doing enough today. via /r/Parenting
Redefining your life as a new parent!
My partner and I are new parents and I just would like to know, how do you all do it or what are some tips to regain a piece of your lives?At a few months shy of the first year I feel like we are having trouble enjoying being parents because all the new stressors ( lack of sleep, daycare cost, sickness from daycare...etc) combined with lack of time for our own relationship.Any advice would help! via /r/Parenting
Husband is obsessed with losing weight and won’t stop talking about in front of our daughter. Worried it may make her worry about her weight in the future.
So my husband and I have been together for 11 years. He used to be pretty fit when we started dating and over the years had put on about 25lbs. He still looked great to me and by no means was overweight but he decided 6 months ago that he wanted to shed the lbs and start eating healthy and working out. So we both did it together since I still had 10lbs of baby weight that wouldn’t go away(honestly I wasn’t even trying since I was still slim). I lost my 10 lbs in 6 weeks and he lost his 25lbs in 15 weeks of dieting and exercising! Which was great but now he is obsessed with eating healthy and running. It’s all he talks about. My daughter is only 2 and half currently but he will say things like “don’t make that for dinner it will make us fat” or “you can’t eat that because it’s for fat people”, like if she asks for ice cream. He also is always on the scale and always saying how gross really overweight people are when we are out and about. He also will comment how he is getting fat again if he gains a lb(he’s nowhere near fat he is 135 and 5’5). He has never been like this before. Anyways I’ve asked him to stop talking about other peoples weight around our daughter and not to weigh himself when she is around and to also not use the word fat around her. He can tell her that’s a unhealthy choice maybe we can eat just a little bit of it or have something else instead or that will make your tummy hurt if you eat too much of it so let’s just eat a little bit. Which would be better the saying that will make you fat. But he keeps doing it and tells me to stop nagging! I just don’t want my daughter to have a complex and don’t want her to look down on overweight people or make fun of them! Am I wrong on this? Or should he stop! Also I think he may have a problem and I don’t get why he is all of sudden worried about his weight so much. via /r/Parenting
You know your a parent when...
You know your a parent when you sleep with your 2 1/2 year old son’s favorite bear when he says no to bringing it to bed for the first time in like...ever.I felt’s a stuffed animal...but I can’t just leave it downstairs..all alone..tears up via /r/Parenting
Potential ultimatum for grandson
Backstory: My grandson (now 21) had an unusual upbringing with no dad and a mom who wasn't very parental. He moved in with me about a year ago. He did not finish high school and doesn't want to get his GED. He worked for a food delivery service but would only go sporadically and eventually stopped altogether. He is intelligent but never leaves his room and spends all his time on the computer. He claims that he is learning online about computer programming and that he can eventually get a job that way without a GED or higher education. It seems like he doesn't know how things work in the real world (i.e. job/bills/basic life skills) and has no interest to learn. He has terribly poor hygiene and I have had to ask him to bathe on several occasions because the smell is so bad. I have offered to help him get into college and even set up an appointment for him to meet with an advisor. I feel like I am getting nowhere and I'm considering an ultimatum for him to either get a part time job, go to school, or move out. I'm worried that he would end up living in his car if I kicked him out, which is why I haven't done this yet. Any advice? via /r/Parenting
Just found out a sex offender lives down the street, and he's the dad of my daughter's good friend. Now what?
My husband and I recently found out that a Tier 3 sex offender lives on our road, 3 houses down and across the street from us. The house belongs to his parents but he lives there with them, and sometimes his 10yr old daughter stays there with them. My children are friends with his daughter. She goes to school with them, she's a year older and a grade above my oldest child. She closest with my older daughter, but she plays with all three of my kids. Her dad was convicted in 2000, he was 27yrs old at that time and this was 7-8 years before our daughters were born. The info I found says nothing about incarceration. I looked up his offense and it's described as forced or coerced sex with a child older than 13 and younger than 16 years old. He and his daughter have been on our road for as long as I can remember (not sure why he never showed up on the sex offender registry before now, maybe he just started using his parents address as his residence?). My children have played over at their house before, and my older daughter even went to an Easter egg hunt with his daughter and him last Easter. Obviously we won't let her go places with him again, and aspects of my daughter's friendship with his daughter are going to have to change... But we just aren't sure exactly how to approach it. We want to talk to our daughter and tell her why her friendship with the other girl has to change but how do we do this without it somehow getting back to his daughter? We can tell our daughter not to talk to her about it. But the other girl is going to notice that things have changed if our daughter suddenly can't ever go to her house or sleepover or go places with her like she used to. What do we tell our daughter? And how can we explain the change in friendship rules to her friend, without saying anything about her dad. Because we don't have any idea if she knows anything about her dad's past. And if she doesn't know, it's NOT our place to tell her, that's for sure. :( I feel bad for her. She shouldn't be punished for her father's mistakes so I don't want to cut the friendship off completely. We're still going to allow her to play at our house with our kids. But it's going to be hard for us to explain why she suddenly can't go 3 houses down to play at her house anymore. Any advice is much appreciated! via /r/Parenting
Teenage son (M 16) refusing to go to school tomorrow due to new haircut.
So my son got his hair cut today at his request - he is very particular about his hair always short at the sides, and long on top.The barber cut it a lot shorter than he wanted despite him telling him what he wanted. I think it looks great!He came home and went into his room and cried (I can’t remember the last time he cried about anything) and he is now saying that he won’t be attending school for at least three weeks until it grows back. He has asked me to phone the school asking them to email work to him so he can work at home.He says that his friends will make fun of him,I’ve told him he looks great. I’ve told him to man up. I’ve been gentle and positive. I’ve been stern. I’ve complimented his hair. I’ve told him if anyone makes any comments, to laugh along with them, or tell them where to go. Nothing is working. He is already struggling a bit with one of his subjects so he needs to attend school. I’ve said that it’ll make him stronger in the long run if he faces his friends, as he will go through a lot worse than a bad haircut in his life!!!! via /r/Parenting
My little brother is out of control.
I'm 18 and my brother is 5. For 13 years I was an only child. When my brother came along, things were great for the first year or two...and then it just spiraled out of control. I admit he has seen me have some panic attacks and has witnessed bad arguments(never physical) between me and my mom growing up, so I'm sure that has contributed. Around 3, he started becoming violent. Not just trying to play around, but actually trying to inflict pain. I would take him off of me, say no and call my mom over to get him. One thing I noticed is that whenever he would be violent, my mom would not punish him but almost...reward him. For example, one time he did this, my mom came and picked him up and next moment she's kissing him and coddling him. Another thing I noticed is that when he first started having tantrums my mom didn't handle it the best. She would either scream back, try to spank him or just shut him out of her room and lock the door. I'm not trying to pin the blame on her for his behavior...I know I should've helped my mom shut down this behavior when it started, but I was a careless teenager who thought that my brother was my moms complete responsibility. Anyway...His behavior started getting progressively worse. Now at age 5, he's been kicked out of his past 4 daycares and his tantrums are off the chain. He destroys/throw things, screams profanities and threats, and tries to physically hurt us. He pretty much runs my moms life and shes drained on a daily basis. I canceled my plans to move & babysit him all day during the week now because he has nowhere to go. I just want to know how I can help alter this behavior and teach him to respect me. When he acts up I do things like disallow him to go outside, take away his electronics, etc. but it seems hopeless, like nothing works anymore. I've read about spanking and i don't think it would be very helpful for him.He is getting evaluated for ADHD/autism in a few weeks, but I honestly just think a huge part of this is our lack of building his feelings of respect for us(he acts completely different when my father is watching him. He actually listens and doesn't act up)but I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to give up. If any of you have any advice at all about how I can help reverse this behavior I would really appreciate it. via /r/Parenting
Whether or not to christen from a CoE/atheist perspective
Hi everyone. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first, we're nervous and excited! My question to you concerns my unborn daughter and whether or not she should be christened. My wife is CoE and although not a regular churchgoer she does believe in God, was raised as a regular churchgoer (sang in the choir up to 18yo and on and off through uni, only really stopped going regularly once we started dating) and wants church to be an influence. I however, was raised without religion (although I was christened, it's because my parents were basically forced into it as it was 'expected' of them) and though I'm less militant about it then I used to be, I am an atheist and a humanist (I live my life thinking there is no God and if I'm wrong, so be it). So, with these 2 opposing backgrounds you can see my dilemma. My wife wants our daughter christened soon after birth, I do not. We attended a christening earlier this year and I could not honestly vow to raise her in the Christian way. I would much prefer her to attend when she's older if she wants and then if she wants to be baptised when she understands completely what that means, then of course I would support her. But I know my wife and her family would be very upset if there was nothing at all to occur. If anyone has any advice, some kind of compromise church ceremony or any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it! via /r/Parenting
Toddler hair products?
My girl's hair is getting long, and it looks like she will be a curly head like her mom. Anyone have any products they can recommend for toddlers that we can put in after bath that will protect/hydrate her curls? via /r/Parenting
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