Throwaway just in caseSo basically my daughter (who is in high school) came home and told me about an incident that happen in her school.She (along with several other kids) had been caught with the quiz before hand, and in turn got a zero on the quiz. She also got detention for it.Now my daughters grades have always been very high. So even with a zero her average in that class is still in the high eighties and her overall average is in the high nineties. So I am not worried about that.Now I was really disappointed when I found out, (there have been no incidents before this) but honestly I have been thinking of being a little more lenient with the punishment and here is why.I asked my daughter where she found the test and she told me she found it online. So she searched up the name of her textbook and section and low and behold the quiz was literally the first search result! She told me her friends (basically the whole class) had found the test while searching for practice quizzes and had been using it after that.Now the reason I am a little upset by this is why does this teacher use tests that are so easy to find? I mean, should my daughter been cheating in the first place? No. Of coarse not. But she didn't steal anything from the teacher. She didn't hack into anything. She didn't sneak into her class room. She literally just searched up the name of her textbook and the worksheet (which was used for the quiz) was he first thing that popped up. The quizzes didn't even have answers on them, but they did have all the questions. They were so easy to reach, I honestly believed her when she said her friends found them by accident. What also gets me mad is this teacher has been using these quizzes the whole year. So the kids had access to them the entire time.What also annoyed me is that after searching up the workbooks myself, the answers for that came up too. Half of this teacher's material could be found online with a simple google search. I just get annoyed because literally all of this is so easy for students to use. All the workbooks and textbook answers were right there. I had to wonder if this teacher was just googling things and using them in class.I asked my daughter why she thought this was a good idea. She was sobbing and apologizing over and over. She's normally a good kid and I honestly just wanted to know what happen all of a sudden. What she said was that he was a horrible teacher and she also said "why should I put in the work when he doesn't?"So I had a serious talk with her about cheating, and how she's lucky they let her and her friends off so easily. (Apparently her friend had been caught with the quiz and told the teacher about everyone else)So I was thinking of a punishment but I honestly think I should be a little more lenient because-her grades are high and the zero hasn't really effect them-she told me on her own. Not the school. You probably won't believe me on this but she seems generally sorry-their have been no incidences like this before, she's been a good kid up to this point-in all honesty if I were still in high school and found the tests online, I would use them too-I am a bit upset with the teacher for not using is own material and using material that was so easily reached-she is already serving detentions for it and got a zeroSo I do plan to have another talk about this. But I just need more perspective.Should I be harsher? Am I playing to much blame on the teacher and not my child? Do I even have the right to be upset with the teacher?Your thoughts?Update: I've read some of the comments and I have to agree with them. No punishment is necessary. Thank you for the help. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2iwWBLy
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