Friday, 25 August 2017

Struggling with resentment towards my husband...need some strategies to move forward...

My husband lost his job at the beginning of the year and has taken a job that keeps him away from home more than 90% of the time. He has been home less than 20 days all year.I have a clingy one year old boy and very sensitive and strong willed two year old girl.I am on my own all the time and have no family support. All my friends also have young children and are not in a position to provide support.There is no prospect of things changing with my husband's work - the jobs in his industry are mostly all offshore or remote and he is not willing to change industries as he has invested a lot.Although I know my husband did not mean to lose his job I can help the bubbling resentment that is building and building. Im scared it is going to ruin our marriage which was good before this happened.Any strategies that you can recommend to get over the resentment and make the best of a bad situation? via /r/Parenting

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