Monday, 28 August 2017

Cannot get 2.5 year old to wear a hat

We are still in the last throes of summer, and our 2.5 year old decided now he doesn't want to wear a hat anymore when outside.At daycare, they spend 2 hours outside every day. Every other child there is wearing a hat. We've tried bucket hats, baseball caps, hats with a strap under the chin, everything we can think of, but he rips it off before they are even out of the classroom. Giving him a consequence ("you can only go outside if you wear your hat") won't work in a daycare environment.He's extremely fair, and we've had days where we pick him up and his scalp and ears are red from the sun, despite sunscreen.We are in a 4 season hat country (I.e. You are either in a sun hat or a winter hat), and he normally loves his winter hats, but we have a good couple more months of sun to get through first.Any suggestions? via /r/Parenting

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