Monday, 28 August 2017

Before you put you child on psychoactive drugs, get some blood work done.

This is a bit of a long story, but I will try to make it succinct. My little boy was constantly acting up; hyper, fidgety, with tantrums beyond the norm. At my wits end, I took him to a psychiatrist who prescribed Adderall and Zoloft. He continued in his tantrums, especially if he missed a dose.One day, after a couple of years of this, he was acting wrong. As he was rushed to the hospital, the EMT's checked his blood glucose. It was off the chart (over 800). He was in the hospital for a week in dire condition. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.Kids with type 1 diabetes will have mood swings, and sometimes come unhinged. He is now in 9th grade, having been off the adderall and zoloft for almost three years. He is controlling his diabetes and is a model for other kids with his illness. He has lots of friends and plays high school sports.Bonus: he is a joy to be around.Psychiatrists are, in my opinion, a little quick to prescribe psychoactive drugs--especially for boys, but it goes for girls too. So before you put your child on drugs, please make sure she or he needs zoloft and not insulin.TLDR: If your kid is unmanageable, look for physical problens before you drug him/her. via /r/Parenting

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