Thursday, 31 August 2017

Video Game Help please?

Hi there, I need some help understanding the whole RoBlox, Minecraft thing. I have an 8 year old son and I allow him to play Minecraft but have strict settings on it. I have no clue what Roblox is. He comes from school like everyday talking about his friends get to 'mods', they can 'hack' Roblox to get all kinds of extra Roblox? I really have no idea if what I'm typing is even making sense to anyone; that's how clueless I am. To me hacking means illegal shit. But I can't imagine a bunch of 2nd graders know how to actually hack something, right? Is there anyone that can help me out with understanding these games? I want my son to be able to play them but safely and legally.EDIT: sooo as I'm reading your comments I am pulling up his Roblox game on his iPad. Ummm turns out he has an account and has some friends. WTF? How did he manage to do this without me knowing? Good lord I feel stupid. I appreciate the internet and all that it can connect us too but I'm also terrified of it as a parent. I'm looking at this xxxcoolgirlxx 'friend' of his and all I can think of is a nasty pedophile sitting in his basement preying on my kid. via /r/Parenting

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