I have a great 2 1/2 year old girl. I stay home with her while my husband works 7-3 mon-fri from home. He doesn't help me at all and I don't know what to do. I do all laundry, dishes,cooking, cleaning, cutting grass, fixing things around the home, bills, grocery shopping, doctors visits, outings with daughter, etc. he doesn't even pick up after himself(yes I do that too). I do a lot of these things when she naps so no breaks for me all day. Also you would think since he does none of these things he help with our daughter a lot... nope. When he gets off work he plays on his computer for a hour alone in his office(says he's working he's not), then I cook dinner he ignores her while he plays more games on his iPad so it's hard to get dinner cooked, after dinner he takes a hour bath(it's about 6 by the time he's out), then he plays more games on his iPad while he sits in her room with me and her and expects me to entertain her, then he runs for 30 mins and takes a shower(keep in mind he's taken 2 showers now and a bath and I haven't showered in weeks by myself usually daughter hops in with me when I get a chance to shower), then it's her bath and bedtime and then he wants to engage with her finally and then she won't sleep because she wants his attention. So I'm fighting with her to go to sleep until like 9:30(when bedtime is 7:30) so yep no breaks from me. Then at 10 I go to sleep exhausted and repeat the next day. On the weekends too he sleeps until 11(since you know I love waking up at 6:30am every god damn day)and if I wake him up he gets extremely pissed so we just leave and do stuff. Then after her nap it's the same routine as the week. I'm so over it. I have told him many times I want to work again and he says no unless it's a 9-5(I worked weekends and night as a stylist and he wont watch her). He knows I can't get a 9-5 and make enough to cover daycare cost. On top of this he wants another kid. I do too because I love my daughter so much but I know he won't help and I'll probably die of no sleep and exhaustion. Also on a side note I have no help from family or friends. We moved 4 hours away from everyone I know. I've tried making new friends but it's hard. How do I get him to help?? I bring it up and it does for a day and then it's back to the same old thing. I'm so over it! I'm not a slave but that's what I feel like. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2wII4ST
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