My girlfriend and I are fostering her just turned 9 year old niece. We're now 6 months into this with the eventual plan of adoption. It seems every morning it is a huge ordeal getting her ready for school. My girlfriend has to do her hair every morning. We constantly tell her to brush her teeth and pick out clothes. She has her own tooth brush and tooth paste, brushes and hair ties. But loses track of where she put them throughout the day. We are hard on her about her room because she will not organize any of her things unless we tell her. One day it was raining and I told her to get her rain jacket and after 10 minutes of waiting she told me she couldn't find it. I go into her room with her and find it in seconds, reinforcing the fact that she needs to keep her things organized because now we might be late for school. Same things happen for swim suits, shoes etc.My girlfriend spends a lot of time doing her neices hair. On mornings when I'm the only one around to get her ready the neice doesn't really care much about her personal appearance. Her hair will need to be combed and pulled back with hair ties and I will have to try and sort it out.We were building one of her new Lego sets she was given for her recent birthday and couldn't find a piece. It was eventually found in her room but she felt frustrated because the set couldn't be completed with out it. I told her again reinforcing that her room needs to constantly be cleaned and organized.I'm new to parenting. I never thought I'd ever be a parent but I'm starting to get frustrated about when all this will kick in. via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2tWKd91
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