Saturday, 26 August 2017

SAHP wondering if I "do enough" with my baby.

I'm a stay at home parent to my first child, who just turned 6 months. We certainly stay busy but I wanted to see what other parents do with their babies of similar age. Sometimes I worry that I'm not "stimulating" him enough, although I've done a Google search and I'm doing pretty much all of the suggested activities, so I kind of feel like I'm just over thinking it.He loves his bouncer, so if I'm cooking dinner I'll put him in that and talk to him about dinner while he bounces. I might put him in that or on his little activity mat if I'm doing quick chores, or talk him through folding laundry. We might have errands to run out to during the day, and he's good in the car. We read, we'll just kind of "play" making odd noises and stuff that makes him laugh, blow bubbles. I do put him in his rocker next to me if I'm eating lunch and I do work out a few days a week for about 30 min but I bring his activity mat with me down to the basement and interact with him between exercises. I guess I'm just wondering if that's all "enough" to make sure he's developing right.Thanks for any input and ideas. via /r/Parenting

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