Thursday, 3 August 2017

I think my 11 month old has been replaced with a totally different baby.. what is going on?

My 11 month old has had a pretty consistent personality his entire life. But over the past few days, he has completely and totally flipped his personality, I'll list a few examples below.BottlesHe used to be crazy about bottles, he couldn't even see other babies with bottles without freaking out even if he just had one. He'd easily and happily gulp down 8oz. Now he hasn't finished a bottle in days. He drinks maybe 4/5oz and is done and shoves it out his mouth and refuses to eat more. I asked the pediatrician and he said that was fine as long as he was still eating solids, which he is.Cuddles My kid has never ever been cuddly. Trying to cuddle him has always been like trying to bathe a cat. He would squirm and cry and just want to be put down, or in a bouncer. Now he will actually stop playing with his toys, crawl to me and cry at the top of his lungs until I pick him up and let him lay on my chest. He doesn't want to nap, just lay on my chest for a few minutes before getting back down to continue his playing.Stairs My kid learned to crawl up the stairs to our 2nd floor at about 9 months and he use to LOVE doing it. For bedtime, I would open the baby gate at the bottom and let him crawl upstairs. Now he won't. He will crawl over to the baby gate and shut it then crawl back to the living room. I actually carried him about halfway up the stairs and set him down thinking he'd crawl the rest of the way up. Nope, he actually tried to go back downstairs.Bedtime My son has a floor bed in a 100% baby proofed room, we would do his bedtime routine, give him a bottle and lay with him till he went to sleep. You could not leave the room without him screaming like he was being skinned alive if he was even remotely awake, you had to wait until he was TOTALLY asleep before very quietly sneaking out. Now he actually won't fall asleep if I am in the room, he will just stare at me. I finally gave up one night and decided to walk out, bracing myself for the screaming and instead he went right to sleep without even a whimper. For the past few nights it's been the same, he will not sleep if I remain in the room.I've talked to the pediatrician who doesn't seem concerned at all, because other than the odd personality changes he seems to be physically okay. No fever, lethargy, rashes, literally anything that would indicate an illness. But it's incredibly strange and to be honest is freaking me out a little bit. He doesn't have any teeth currently so I originally thought the loss of appetite and wanting cuddles was teething but it's been days with no teeth, and I can't imagine teething would cause the other weird personality disorders. I may be freaking out over nothing, but I'm not going to lie I may have considered calling a local priest. via /r/Parenting

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