Hello,I need advice about my 8 and ½ year old. He has always had epic tantrums, but I thought for sure he would outgrow them. Nope, he still has almost daily temper tantrums, but only at home. Teachers and his friends’ parents always remark how well behaved he is. He eats well, gets lots of physical activity, does well at school and when not raging is sweet, creative and athletic. He has a happy stable life home, both parents very involved, lots of positive attention and one on one mommy time. Discipline includes talking about the issue, sending him to his room, and sometimes losing privileges.This was today’s tantrum. Something similar happens 4-5 per week. FYI his sister is 6. After a healthy lunch DS, DD and I play a game of LIFE. DS is cheery, excited to have family time. About 15 minutes into the game he has to trade a card with DD and make less salary in the game. He starts to get very upset. Saying its not fair, he’s going to quit, trying to make new rules up etc…I calmly explain this is how the game is played, I keep trying to calm him down. His anger escalates, he is now shouting and crying, flailing on the floor. I calmly suggest taking a break, as his screaming continues. After a few minutes of tantruming I tell him I’m going to leave the game now, and take a break myself. A few minutes later he comes to me and quietly says its ok, he’s calmed down lets play again. We all sit to play and he instantly starts raging louder than before. I say I’m leaving the room again. His sister follows me out and goes to play in her room.He is SCREAMING alone in the game room, then I hear him run upstairs. He is now yelling violently at his sister, his voice is so full of rage and I run as fast as I can upstairs. He has her pinned to the bed and is red in the face screaming.I loudly say “get off your sister! “ and tell him to go to his room. After 10 minutes he stops screaming and crying and apologizes. Often at this point I talk to him about his behavior, then if he says he’s sorry I forgive him. We then try to move on through our day. Usually a scene like this will take 20-30 minutes to work through, beginning to end.Recent tantrums started because he didn’t like the bread I put on his sandwich, his sister had a “better” throw blanket than him when watching tv because we won’t buy him something he wants…I just feel so tired. It is so draining. I am increasingly worried he will hurt his sister, too, more than just holding her down. What am I doing wrong? How can I fix this via /r/Parenting http://ift.tt/2uTPvou
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